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  1. K

    droopy leaves and brown stem under my hairs

    this is the plant that cameback from the dead 3 times... she fellover when she was a sproutling at 3 inches high ( she has a scar on her topmost leaves) she went brown for 2 days mid groth... and she had caterpillers on her... this is my first grow and this is when i was supposta make mistakes...
  2. K

    droopy leaves and brown stem under my hairs

    sorry for the bad images,but there is visible light thru the stem today i went out to see my plant and her leaves are all the way down, and under the nugs, there is a part of the stem that is compleatly dead...and split the plant is only 1 week into blooming... i need help. should i cut the...
  3. K

    MAYDAY MAYDAY wet dog looking plant.

    you think its time to trans them into bigger pots?
  4. K

    MAYDAY MAYDAY wet dog looking plant.

    just so you all know i am running filtered water and dirt/soil mix i found in my back yard.... now i know thats not gana get me the best growth but they should stay alive.
  5. K

    MAYDAY MAYDAY wet dog looking plant.

    today i woke up and i was scared at what i found one of my plants ( i only have 2 ) was laying down and had the look of a wet dog. no strength to keep the leave up here is an imagei put the support stick in today to keep it standing and tried to "flip" some of the leaves so they are still...
  6. K

    light question

    yes shes a t5 soooo almost touching them??? with out touching??
  7. K

    light question

    hay guys i finally got my 4 foot 6400K light set up on a timer and im wondering how far away from my babies does she need to be....i didd the back of the hand test they arnt getting hurt how they are but i wana measure them out just to be sure
  8. K

    Are my plants just lazy or did I kill them already?

    dont get me wrong im no expert but im in about week 2 of my first grow and my plants hit a wall simmaler to your description they looked like this for a bout 5 days not changing nothing...... i let them just do what they do and now about 3 days after the picture was taken( picture was taken in...
  9. K

    seed casing stuck to plant( remove/ leave alone)

    the starter leafs die?? lol i didnt know that i thought they formed the lower leaf section
  10. K

    seed casing stuck to plant( remove/ leave alone)

    as you can see in the bottom left corner one of my babies has some seed still stuck on her... is this something i should worrie about or just let nature do what it pleases?
  11. K

    is 100,000K light spectrum too high

    i was looking on craigslist and i found some nice floros for really cheap they are out of a reaf Fish tank they are 100,000K spectrum will these work for an indor grow???
  12. K

    new to growing...need some help please.

    thanks for all your help huys i have a set up and some plants growing already!!!! this is where ill keep every one updated come look at my babies and my grow house
  13. K

    hay every one if you made it to this page you can make it to...

    hay every one if you made it to this page you can make it to
  14. K

    new to growing...need some help please.

    thank you all for the halp on this matter since my last post i have priced lights at my local wallmart and increased my grow space to about 3x10' and still 7 foot tall if i understood every thing i have been told here 1. mericle grow will work for 1 to 2 harvests ( till i have the cash to buy...
  15. K

    new to growing...need some help please.

    amazing i love it ill add that to the shopping list
  16. K

    new to growing...need some help please.

    ok so perfect i have a veg light and for the flowering stage i will need something like this ?? if i under stood you the 2700K is correct ?
  17. K

    new to growing...need some help please.

    first off... lol i had no ideaif you wouldnt grow a chiapet with it i sertanly wont grow herb with it ^.^ as for a CFL would something around this work also...
  18. K

    new to growing...need some help please.

    GREAT idea with the windshild reflector i have a bunch of those laying around i could clean them and use those.... but incase you say white paint works??? thats interesting too is it possible to use MG or is it just a HELL no situation??
  19. K

    new to growing...need some help please.

    yea the 50 -100 shouldnt be too hard for me to make the only think is im still needing to build everything from scratch all the materials will add to the price also... also i found this in the LED section is this even close to what i need .. or could use for this project...