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  1. doublejj

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

    Those plants are still gonna double in size before harvest, they will be massive. You've already out grown your greenhouse.
  2. doublejj

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

    any chance you can lose the top altogether? or figure out a way to raise it. I would hate to see you lose your top buds after all the work you've put in. You look to get a nice harvest out of those if you give them room to finish. Best of luck, you've got a lot riding on this.
  3. doublejj

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

    Yeah your gonna be hurting by harvest time. You'll lose many of your top buds if you don't do something.
  4. doublejj

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

    Looking awesome buck....nice work
  5. doublejj

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

    One more for inspiration.... This one blew right thru the greenhouse. Had to harvest from the garage roof. Lucky I have good neighbors..
  6. doublejj

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

    I think you have to make a minimum number of posts first, then you can Like&Reply..
  7. doublejj

    Time to break up the states?

    did you get another STOP sign ticket Rob?....yes STOP signs are for everyone
  8. doublejj

    Time to break up the states?

    This guy won't eat chili.....
  9. doublejj

    Time to break up the states?

  10. doublejj

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

  11. doublejj

    Hitting Ceiling of Greenhouse

  12. doublejj

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    A year ago my farm crew got covid, both guys are young conservative unvaccinated dimwits. One got so bad off he spent 2 weeks in the hospital and lost 30lbs. The other one got almost as sick and wasn't able to carry on alone, so it derailed my entire grow last season. I would have been more...
  13. doublejj

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    Lock him up...
  14. doublejj

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    we need to start a movement to have every american search "Abortion" 10 times a day.
  15. doublejj

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    You're right I'm glad it didn't work for Republicans in the last election....
  16. doublejj

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    This was the alternative.....easy choice to make
  17. doublejj

    Hold on to your hats libbys

  18. doublejj

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    Because Covid ain't going away.....too many people not wearing masks or getting vaccinated. The charts show average new cases per 100,000 people for each state over the last year. In most cases, three waves are visible in these charts: last winter's surge, the delta wave of late summer, and the...
  19. doublejj

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    speed limits only work because most people chose to abide by them. Unvaxxed are the crazies you see on the hwy speeding & swerving from lane to lane endangering everyone on the road.