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  1. mr.stankydanky

    Would This cool my box?

    I use cool tubes so my box is only a few degrees above ambient temps. the problem is that my room is to hot..
  2. mr.stankydanky

    Would This cool my box?

    I grow with two 150 watt hps lights and my box get into the 90's. would this help??
  3. mr.stankydanky

    slow growth and yellow leaves

    i havnt given them any nutes yet
  4. mr.stankydanky

    slow growth and yellow leaves

    hello everyone this is my second attempt and its not going to well :wall: my babies are about 3 weeks old and im using fox farm ocean forest. the lower older leaves are turning yellow and growth is very slow! i got a ph tester today and it turns out my tap water has a high ph even after i...
  5. mr.stankydanky

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Thats beautiful!
  6. mr.stankydanky

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    if i use 2 150 watt lights for veg is there any need for me to use a few 6000k cfls as side lighting to make sure it doesnt stretch?
  7. mr.stankydanky

    PPM question

    hello my fellow Americans! ok so i just figured out how to measure ppm and it came out to about 800. my question is, whats the ppm supposed to be for each nutrient?
  8. mr.stankydanky

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    haha ya it could definitely have been worse! so does anybody have a link to how to wire the 150 econo light? i know its simple but i dont wanna fuck up my house again. the cord im connecting the light to doesnt have colored wires so idk which ones positive or negative
  9. mr.stankydanky

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    i tried wiring my 150 econo light and when i plugged it in it fucked up all my outlets upstairs! i dont know shit about wiring. haha it was kinda funny cuz the electrician came over and i only expected him to go in the garage because thats where the fuze box is and all that, and he ends up going...
  10. mr.stankydanky

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    ya you're probably right. i cant wait till i start growing in there:mrgreen:
  11. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    good idea. but if the ph was off wouldnt the leaves be discolored?
  12. mr.stankydanky

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    hello everyone! i havnt started my 150 hps grow yet but i thought i might show you guys my box cuz im high and im high. i ordered 2 of the econo 150 watt lights and they should be here soon. and im gonna use a 105w CFL with a few 42w for suplimental lighting. watchyal think? i was thinking...
  13. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    i just sprayed it with a little bit of water, and it somehow got even droopier than before! how is this possible?:confused: so in the beginning it looked only slightly droopy, thinking it was under watered, so i watered it, and it got more droopy. So i posted on here and everyone said it was...
  14. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    its been about 3 days since i watered and its still drooping! even more than before! are you guys sure it was over watered? maybe its still in shock, i did give it quite a bit of water. here's a picture of her. and here's my bad ass grow box that im almost done with!
  15. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    good advice! how much water exactly should i give her and how often?
  16. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    why does it look so droopy? and its growing so slowly!!!! ahh
  17. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    They fluctuate a lot. during the day it can get up to 86. is that to high to slow growth?? that really sucks because theres nothing i can really do about the temperature. winters coming though so it should cool down. i want it to be a bush, is it on the right track? im getting more seeds soon so...
  18. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    its not tin foil i don't think. I got it at the hardware store but i forgot what its called. will it still work?
  19. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    oh ya and those are pictures of the same plant. I killed the other one because it wasn't growing
  20. mr.stankydanky

    My second all CFL grow

    I don't Know if anyone is watching this but here's day 15. what do you all think? doing good?