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  1. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Did you vote for double standard??? Don`t we have to believe women all times??? This is not even conservative media...
  2. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Did you vote for a pedophile? NBC News is a media you like? And I am the wrong one here????
  3. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Or from NBC and his own VICEPRESIDENT, and I am the racist????? How do you explain this? I am all ears, soyboy. You are for communism, not for racial equality. You vote for the democrat party, the same which created the KKK, who opressed, slaved, linched and killed my people. And YOU call ME a...
  4. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Wait, let`s try with CNN And you play the race card with me?? You voted for a racist white pedophile dementia politician, and YOU say I, a black person, am racist???? A NAZI???
  5. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Wait, don`t tell me you support racist white pedophiles with dementia, please... Or do you? Really? And you play the race card? If you are not Repug, what are you? Democrat? Independent? Don`t be scared. Who did you vote for?
  6. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    SO they voted for the racist pedophile with dementia then, the same who said if we, blacks, don`t vote for him we are not blacks. That one?
  7. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    It doesn`t surprise me the racism you have, you are for the democratic party, the KKK.
  8. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    So I`m black and you bring the race card on me, but I am the bigot. Ok.
  9. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    In any case you are being the racist bringing the race card here, I`m black.
  10. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    I am anti communists, the other ones I can take care later. No problem. So, how is you love Trump so much? Everybody make posts about him here, why do people love him that much???? I don`t get it. I thought you voted for the pedophile with dementia... The most voted on history, right? Maybe you...
  11. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    "N word"???? Say it, soyboy, don`t be afraid. Free speech means the risk to offend someone. Do you always put race on your political discussion? You really have a problem... You are one of those who sings rap songs when you are alone, but when you are in public is the "N word" hahaha My God...
  12. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Good for you, good for you. Too much soy and Trump on the breakfast.
  13. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    WOW, the race card. I was waiting for it hahaha
  14. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Well, that is what you think. Everybody who doesn`t think like you is a republican, a fascist, a cultist. Don`t you think it`s a little bit weird? There is 8 billion people on this world but we have to think like you? God save us...
  15. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Of course, you can not even read.
  16. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Well, then you are wrong, boy. Very wrong.
  17. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Neh, I don`t like communist or islamist dictatorships, or any dictatorships. Do you like them?
  18. F

    Donald Trump Private Citizen

    HAHAHA, you can donate some fat to the poor kids on the republican city of Chicago. Oh, no, wait...
  19. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Of course. Didn`t he?