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  1. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Yes, yes. A fascist, cultist, conservative, Repugnant, divisive and angry troll. Good luck on Chicago, Seattle, Sanfran and Baltimore republican cities. Oh wait...
  2. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    So you don`t know what communism is. Good to know, but I already knew.
  3. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    DO I have to have thousand posts to start writing anything or comment? Wow. Didn`t know. Wait here, I am gonna post a lot of things and then I will come here to see if I gained the respect of the commie trolls of the cannabis forums... My God... Say it loud, you want communism, and cannabis...
  4. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    What? Are you ok? Did you take your pills today?
  5. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    I already defined, you are late with the answer, now I am asking what YOU define as communism, because there is only ONE definition of words, not two or three. A leaf is a leaf, not a glass of wine.
  6. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Haha, why so scared? If you are proud of what you think, say, what is the ideal of country you have?
  7. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    You would never admit you want communism, you hype for it but you don`t know what it is. Classic. The typical "useful idiots", never woke enough to wake everyone else haha.
  8. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    What? Are you scared? Define it. I did. You say I am wrong, prove me the opposite.
  9. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Define communism.
  10. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    That is your ignorance talking for you. This conversation leveled up too much for little brains like yours.
  11. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Socialism is the stairway to communism, I come from a communist country and I know what I am talking about. You can see for yourself if the "northern neighbours" are communist or not. Do they impose draconian laws to control people? Do they tax a lot to sustain free things for all? Are they very...
  12. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Well, surprise me with the real definition then. Because I think if you are a communist and that term doesn`t look good for you is because you were scammed.
  13. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    As I said, I don`t trust ONE news channel as they are all biased. But I see the people here choose one side and consume the crap they like only, anybody else is just fascist, cultist, and probably very conservative. They are very open minded only when people thinks like them.
  14. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    I don`t know Oan, I don`t like Newsmax. So you are wrong. You judge people very fast and know very little.
  15. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    Ahhhh, so you want communism... Communism is the control of the mediums of production, exchanges and distribution by the state, which means a little group of people. There is only one definition of communism. Do you know what that means?
  16. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    I mean, be real, you want communism and you hate your country. At least admit it and we are all ok. Instead, you say "conspiracy", "fascist", "cultist", tell the truth. Don`t lie to the people.
  17. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    So I don`t know a term and that makes everything false, right?
  18. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    What conspiracy? You are the only one saying that. Say the truth, what do you want? Communism? Say it.
  19. F

    Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

    What I see is instead of investigating the problem, I see people biased based on political ideologies. If I am a citizen of a country, I will seek the truth, not what the mainstream media or Twitter says is the truth. DO you really trust on a TV show or a politician? Weird.