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  1. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    Or main farm is very remote & off grid. We have a solar powered well for water. I also have a home in town, and start all our plants in my basement clone room in the off season. I use these DIY hydro-cloners and start plants early in the season. Different color pucks make keeping track of...
  2. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    This was property we rented from a neighbor. Parked a trailer on it and planted 48 in 500gl smart pots.
  3. doublejj

    Growing monsters

  4. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Yeah what we have now is much better solution.....
  5. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    Thanks I am, it really helps to have a good crew. I'm blessed.
  6. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    You are part of a society that has exploited the natural resources since before it was a country. Climate change is killing the planet today. Now is the time to move to save the planet. Hopefully we can learn to avoid the sacred sights....
  7. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    exactly how many indigenous burial sites have we not disregarded? have picked one hell of a time to go straight on me now.....smh
  8. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Battery evolution will require less and less precious minerals as we move ahead.
  9. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    California wouldn't have water issues if 1/2 of it's citizens didn't choose to live in a desert...;)
  10. doublejj

    Growing monsters

  11. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    yes every county in California regulates Cannabis growing. We are in a very pot-liberal county. Many counties are very restrictive. Our biggest headaches come from the Calif Water Control Board. California is in a drought & All counties require a permit from the CWCB to legally grow cannabis...
  12. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    as long as we subsidize the fossil fuel industry and penalize green energy, the change will be slow.
  13. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    APTERA is only going to replace a small segment of transportation. We need solutions that will supplant a majority of transportation needs. Vehicles like Aptera will fill a small niche but will not get the general population off fossil fuels.
  14. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    George Jetson was born in 2022.....
  15. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    damned if you do and damned if you don't. Relying on fossil fuels is not sustainable. Most of the minerals used in renewables is reclaimable....fossil fuel, not so much
  16. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    best of luck....
  17. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    the grill is open at trim camp....
  18. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    We open "trim camp" each fall & the trimmigrants show up for a few weeks...
  19. doublejj

    Growing monsters

  20. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    can't see thru a greenhouse cover. 100x30ft greenhouse