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  1. doublejj

    What did you accomplish today?

    First you have to get there
  2. doublejj

    What did you accomplish today?

    hwy 49 is closed in grass valley. We got over a ft of snow on the farm..
  3. doublejj

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    @Aeroknow Virginia family gets keys to Habitat for Humanity's first 3D-printed home in the US
  4. doublejj

    What did you accomplish today?

    I took a job with the California Dept of Corrections and quickly found out that supervisors aren't subject to random drug tests. months of night classes to finish my Bachelors degree and I was on the Superintendent list. 18 months later I was acting Assistant Superintendent and only drug test...
  5. doublejj

    Recommendations for a large-volume herb grinder?

    I'm in Cali brother.....I think I'd get 20 years for this in Texas....
  6. doublejj

    Recommendations for a large-volume herb grinder?

    I like dabs so I load it into little bags & squish it into Rosin.....
  7. doublejj

    Recommendations for a large-volume herb grinder?

    i have one of those.....with the optional Keif catcher attachment
  8. doublejj

    On this day:

  9. doublejj

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Mounted US Coast Guard patrols WW2.....Gotta love those Coasties
  10. doublejj

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Wave of suicides hits Texas National Guard on border mission
  11. doublejj

    Crisis in the Ukraine

    Native Americans have entered the chat....
  12. doublejj


    Supreme court is 6-3 republicans.... High court seems ready to strike down New York gun law By JESSICA GRESKONovember 3, 2021
  13. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    Texas QAnon cult is now drinking bleach, member’s horrified family says
  14. doublejj

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    This day in military history...... Sherman’s March to the Sea From November 15 until December 21, 1864, Union General William T. Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia.
  15. doublejj

    Another gun thread

  16. doublejj

    Another gun thread

    I bought this for my wife. Very simple to operate, no safeties just pull trigger....
  17. doublejj

    Another gun thread

    all the guns in my safe are loaded....
  18. doublejj

    Another gun thread

    don't forget to have one of these warning stickers on your safe.....
  19. doublejj

    Another gun thread

    I keep all my guns in a gun safe in my bedroom closet. When I'm home I dial in the combination and just don't turn the handle, so if needed in a hurry I only have to twist the handle to open the safe. When we have guests over (none since Covid) i simply spin the dial for safety.
  20. doublejj

    Another gun thread

    anybody ever try "Cowboy shooting"? coach gun