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  1. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update: only 1 of the 3 popped so #2 it is. I am also running a side by side with an 18oz cup as well. Here is also a pic of my no name big baby lol
  2. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    And this is the same picture with some mild photo shopping. @FrozenChosen
  3. 0vergrown420

    6 plant monster scrog,grand daddy platinum\blues

    How many lights do you have in there and what size are they lol I bet your cooling in the summer is a bitc# lol
  4. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    This is my first official post. No name bagseed, ipower 1000w digital hps light, clear 16oz Party Cup inside the red ones, super soil and will use teas for feeding later on. The only thing that might be a problem is the bulb I am using in the pics is 3 years old and have already ordered another...
  5. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    Thank you @glockdoc. That's what I was looking for
  6. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    Probably don't help that I only have a phone for internet and the settings button on my phone don't work so it limits what I can do here.
  7. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    That is the best movie ever!!! I have been googling and trying to find grow journals for sannies seeds grown outdoors. I found a video on YouTube but want to find an in depth journal. Mostly for the killing fields and jack berry
  8. 0vergrown420

    4 Plants outdoor organic

    Your plants look to be off to a good start. But, nothing in that cabinet would be considered organic. Maybe a natural supplement but not organic. You would need to buy raw soil amendments for it to be organic.
  9. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone here has grown Sannies strains outdoors
  10. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    You just did lol. Just by saying you want in, your in. Our awesome amazing hard working dedicated host FROZENCHOSEN will sign up anyone who says they want in. To anyone wondering, you can get "16oz" just about anywhere. I got mine at my local grocery store. You can also go to Walmart or a...
  11. 0vergrown420

    discolored brittle leaves unhappy plant

    Also if your using compost teas avoid altering the ph with synthetic adjusters as they will kill all the beneficial bacteria you just gave your plants.
  12. 0vergrown420

    discolored brittle leaves unhappy plant

    I promise everything will go back to normal just by not doing anything but watering with ph'd water. Just having super soil alone would make me nervous and worried about over feeding and your adding liquid nuts on top of that. Fuck what the hydro ppl say (in this case) if your using super soil...
  13. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    @AlaskanMedMan have you tried growing outdoors up there? I've always wondered how that would go over with the really short summers.
  14. 0vergrown420

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    I don't really see any indica in any of those. Garden soil will work fine for veg or just as a base soil but to get anything outta your babies you need some kinda nutrients. Cfls will get the job done but you don't have enough to get any kinda substantial yield. Also next time try to only run...
  15. 0vergrown420

    potential yield for 12x12 w/ LED'S?

    I would advise against coco loco, I have it, have used it, and it just don't cut it. With that much room I would stagger 2 sog grows. Sog would be better using led's for lack of penetration. You should get between 1 to three lb from each side every month with a good indica strain.
  16. 0vergrown420

    potential yield for 12x12 w/ LED'S?

    What strain auto were you running when you pulled that, how many plants and what medium?
  17. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

    Well I'm in. I'll be using super soil in the bottom half (of that huge pot) under 1000w hps. It'll be bagseed but its good, I've grown it out before. It has a nice pheno that has 4 side branches, literally, and the rest is cola. Good luck to all!
  18. 0vergrown420

    its been along time thinking on quiting after 15 years of growing

    Don't quit, growing your own smoke is very rewarding. I have had my own experiences you are and what I really think it was, was the soil. I used to use cheaper soil and liquid nutes, I think salts were building up in the soil and they stopped taking in nutes especially if your going full st or...
  19. 0vergrown420

    Welcome New Members!

    'Shotbill' you need to get a jewellers scope. Amazon between 7 to 20 dollars. When the trichroms turn an amber color then flush for 1 week, changing the res with clean fresh water daily. Then your done. Stop using all nutes when you start your flush