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  1. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

  2. doublejj


    no i think 2 years ago.....
  3. doublejj


  4. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    доброе утро
  5. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    You two know each other?.....:o
  6. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    there are more Republicans in California than any other state and it chaps their asses that Cali is a blue state. They can easily gather enough signatures to get a recall going, but not enough votes to outright win the Governorship in a fair election. This is their only chance and they know it...
  7. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I think he meant good's 4am in Moscow
  8. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    I believe in their hit the floor
  9. doublejj

    Pandemic 2020

    "Let the bodies hit the floor"......
  10. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    this will follow every election in Cali. of we don't put a stop to it.
  11. doublejj

    California Gubernatorial Recall Election

    California to examine tighter rules for recall elections after Newsom victory
  12. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    You miss spelled Mar-a-lago..
  13. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

  14. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

  15. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I'm guy like you
  16. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    what did you study in college?...
  17. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    good luck finding a new job....
  18. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    George Washington was a hats
  19. doublejj

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I think it probably sounded better in it's original Russian.....
  20. doublejj

    Alex Murdaugh

    talk about being a bad shot!......the high price of ammo for target practice was in play here