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  1. Dryxi

    Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

    Because you feel white officers turned up the heat in 2016 to kill minorities? Was it always a problem or just started in 2016? Not defending cops that shoot people, pointing out an answer to your question.
  2. Dryxi

    Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

    White paper from 2019 (using data from 2015) on race + fatal shootings, comparing race of the officer, person shot, and variables such as area demographics etc.
  3. Dryxi

    What has Trump done to this country?

    No one is taking away a choice so much as forcing a new choice same as we have for President. A three term limit (of a 6 year seat) is 18 years in office. No choices are being removed, generational gaps of perspectives is being limited.
  4. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Really interesting. Turns out vaccine hesitancy isn't solely white supremacists... in fact the data scientist interviewed in the first 15 minutes says it is very spread among the population. (Lots of other really good interesting stuff in the podcast as well)...
  5. Dryxi

    Biden's Infrastructure Week

    Maybe the prison system being so large and profitable makes shitty people?
  6. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    gotcha, making sure im not missing out on some new abbreviation lol
  7. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    what is CO/WYO? jw
  8. Dryxi

    Happy thread :)

    My dog contributes way too much to the plastic/rubber pieces in my yard. I stopped buying him toys and got him ropes..... and he starts destroying random shit when he realizes they don't rip apart.
  9. Dryxi

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Is that an issue of the power of Congress or us giving too much power to a Presidential position that rotates every 4 years. He should never have had the power to make use of executive orders like he did, same as the Presidents before him who continually expanded their power (/use) of executives...
  10. Dryxi

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Limiting Congress to 2 or 3 terms = 12-18 years in the seat. That is plenty of time to keep us from radical changes every 6 years. Differences would be in who is running the parties as the lifelong politicians are forced to lose that power. The stalemates in Congress could be interrupted by the...
  11. Dryxi

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I wish I had a net worth of 9 million to be called not wealthy lol Who we elect is for sure an issue, Trump is the most glaring example of that, but politicians with character that hold onto perceptions from decades ago because they didn't grow up under the laws they create is also an issue...
  12. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine? The coronavirus variant first discovered in South Africa is able to evade some of the protection of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a new Israeli study. The...
  13. Dryxi

    What has Trump done to this country?

    It took effort for Trump to take presidential professionalism so low, saying that politicians need 40 years of experience in the senate to have professionalism.... idk. Politicians could just as easily be a consultant to give that experience. The excuse that we need them to have many years of...
  14. Dryxi

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I wish he would do a commission to add term limits to congressional seats as well. Maybe political stances would evolve a little faster if congress members didn't keep their seats for generations. Would be ironic if Biden proposed that though. He has greatly benefitted from lifelong politics
  15. Dryxi

    Biden's Infrastructure Week Because the government is anti-screw people over, we have the largest prison system in the world... by far.
  16. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    The way the military is doing it is "take the vaccine or leave is denied in July, where you will do staff duty off and on." Typical way for the military to do things
  17. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    The results do not come from them actively searching for and testing people who are fully vaccinated, only tells of the people who felt the need to get tested after being fully vaccinated. I am sure of the 1 million people who are fully vaccinated, not all of them are going to get covid tested...
  18. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Do you forsee grocery stores doing vaccine passports? That's a little different than asking people to wear a mask. People might start buying from farmers again lol
  19. Dryxi


    Our laws believe adults are responsible enough to "not abuse" alcohol the night prior but we see the damage from drunk drivers nightly. I say we just remove the ability for adults to entertain themselves with anything that can change their mental awareness, easy fix. Then we can be sure people...
  20. Dryxi

    What has Trump done to this country?