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  1. Dryxi

    Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

    It is probably temporary. Plenty of artists are getting famous thanks to controversial pieces and haters. It seems to have an effect on big businesses, but independent artist have a much greater reach than they had a decade ago. I wonder what has more of an impact on our society, when...
  2. Dryxi

    smash maga hats with cars?

    It is hard to place everyone in a box for me. You get two choices, both are demonized by the other, and your shocked sides were chosen years ago? Some people are weak and couldn't realize a bad leader is still a bad leader no matter which side he is on. - - But I didn't look into many of his...
  3. Dryxi

    smash maga hats with cars?

    You could be reading too deeply into the post, it could be just referencing hitting people with your car and have nothing to do with race. Being scared of getting in trouble for an accident (possibly not having the money to cover or no insurance) is likely the reason she ran from the scenes...
  4. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020

    I was being sarcastic. The article I did cite is clearly against the school's policy.
  5. Dryxi

    Pandemic 2020 LOL turns out vaccinations are contagious... I would re-think my choice of private school in this case. @schuylaar You were too fast
  6. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Buck is a fun kid. Trolling is a hobby we obviously share
  7. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I am sure my previous posts show the correct answers to all those metrics of a person. (No,Yes,Yes,Yes). Many of the posts are commented on by yourself LOL of course that doesn't mean it was Biden, Mandate it, Mandate it, or all cops are evil
  8. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I made up quite the story there, didn't I? Hypocrite, I was following your lead. Lead on child.
  9. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Have you found where I have been all those things? I haven't. General assumptions, or in this case, straight up someone making up stories, are part of the problem. Many of us fall into that group...
  10. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

  11. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

  12. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Thank you again! Proof-reading is a habit I haven't picked up yet.
  13. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Did my outrageous views upset you? I'm sure the quote feature has been learned already, you are a big kid now.
  14. Dryxi

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership Do it. I am typically not a fan of taxes but they are necessary and the rich should be footing the bills. The wealth gaps are rather large...
  15. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    (Feel like I might need to explain for you, sticking with the 'you're a child' concept, but adding a leash cuz your fun to keep around :bigjoint:)
  16. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    You bring quality where ever you go
  17. Dryxi


    I feel as if in a noncompetitive league it wouldn't matter but if it is a competitive league, where some people are there for other reasons than simply fun, the difference can matter. The leagues are typically well stated if it is competitive or recreational (high school sports would be...
  18. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Because not everything has to do with race even when the interaction is between different groups? Could have been, could have not. It's hypothetical either way for us past that his actions in the end were most likely unjustified either way.
  19. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    You saw how the situation in that video started? I missed that, seemed to start with the man in the middle of yelling, so doubtful that was the full story. You could literally ( insert here ) any reason you want and it doesn't have to be in fact about race.
  20. Dryxi

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    In many states masks are not required outdoors, the area he was at didn't seem packed with people, so even people worried about covid might not have a mask on outside.