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  1. Dryxi

    Fresh air or max insulation

  2. Dryxi

    Building Derek Gilman's Automated Curing System

    Watching this thread as well. I have been thinking about doing something of this sort. Really interested in how the bud turned out in the buckets vs previous jarring methods. If you could give us a good comparison that'd be awesome
  3. Dryxi

    how to hide your grow tent in a rental

    Have you guys actually had landlords that searched your place before? I have rented most of my life and never had a landlord search my house, even though they could. Most they ever did was come by and do a quick walkthrough. They don't want to be in your house any more than you want them there...
  4. Dryxi

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    @ whoever. What size wire do I need to keep 240v current, distance is ~370 ft from main panel, goal is 100 amps at subpanel (distance away). Wire will be buried underground (only 75ft underground), prefer not to use metal conduit (extra expense). I have heard multiple things, but curious what...
  5. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    If they did it, they would literally start a war with Iran.
  6. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    We are still waiting for your foreign affairs expertise and opinion on that question. As of yet, it is unanswered by a self proclaimed authority "abandonconflict" Your trolling is having 0 effect. edit: I will continue our conversation in a lil bit. Going out for a little bit even though this...
  7. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    I haven't said I support Trump as a person a single time. Please read the entire conversation. The issue was beginning name calling in an adult conversation in the first place, not the PC of the statement or the insensitivity. That part I don't care about.
  8. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    Exactly, if you were POTUS in his position and had done the same dumb shit he has done, but now have your mind and personality rather than his, what would you have done today that was different and would be considered a good move in your eyes? I'm not making you seem that way, your doing it on...
  9. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    I'm clearly winning our discussion since you have not yet replied to the question I posed to you about what you would have done differently in his situation that our country is currently in today. It is impossible for you to admit that the latest move (his speech) was a good move considering it...
  10. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    How are you winning? Honestly, how he got us here is irrelevant to the conversation of the response he took to Iran shooting missiles into Iraq. I feel as if anyone (that doesn't blindly hate Trump and agrees with everyone as long as they also hate Trump) that reads our conversation so far, can...
  11. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    We continue the retarded comments as if they were being effective. But I see me getting rises out of you and am enjoying it. Neither of you are actually answering the question, so should everyone assume you do not have a better response than the one Trump made today? You continue to try to...
  12. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    I agree with what he just did. He threatened more economic sanctions and didnt increase the military reaction. I find that good. It saves some face and gives consequence to the missiles without allowing the opportunity for Iran to say we took the real step to war. I dont have a better option so...
  13. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    Right so in a discussion about a move he literally made today, we move backwards to say we wouldn't have put ourselves in that position in the first place. I guess I'd have to agree there, not being in the situation wouldve been best, but we are. So if you where in the same position as the POTUS...
  14. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    If you were POTUS, how would you have handled it that wouldve made it a good move?
  15. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    But he just made a good move in our current situation? There is no denying that. I am happy he deescalated the situation. Only thing I've commented on. Trump has made many moves I disagree with, made a couple that weren't terrible, and even made some that I'd consider good. This one was a good...
  16. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    And convicted. Should've clarified. I was just trying to help you out with your own image. I'm not attempting to write an essay for a grade. I'll try harder for you. I like the posts I agree with. Not looking for clout.
  17. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    Lol You guys are the best. It was supposed to say I dont care about being called a retard. My bad lol I liked the post since I didnt take the post literally. You read so much into what I liked and what that post meant to me in my perspective. I am praising the move, not the person. It is a...
  18. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    We are talking about Trump beginning WW3. I can't say I support or not him killing the general, I don't know everything. I can say we haven't yet seen who comes out ahead of this situation. I'm not trying to argue with you that Trump is good shit, or that his past moves have ever been good shit...
  19. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    Lol. Really hard to have a discussion with you. You are turning it away from the discussion of Trump beginning WW3. Getting defensive over my agreeing with you as well. I support the country. Don't care about Trump at all or support him (outside of the fact he is POTUS)
  20. Dryxi

    Trump starts a war with Iran

    Dude, we can have this discussion. I don't mind. The invasion of Iraq was a win for Iran. 100% agree. The ball is in Iran court is a way of saying (pretty sure it's a common way ) it is their turn