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  1. Dryxi

    Does it matter which plant I use for the parents when breeding?

    Agree to disagree. All is well. Do you know why that happens about selfing not being 100% female. Not discrediting but wondering why, I would've thought that it would be impossible to find a male in self'd or feminized seed, unless a stray male pollen got in there. Only reason I say is from...
  2. Dryxi

    Does it matter which plant I use for the parents when breeding?

    editing this late but to avoid confusion. That last post was high asf lol. Can't delete it tho. It is hard to say males transfer potency better than females because potency is not linked to one chromosome (males Y). If you breed a male (XY) to a female (XX), you are still looking for the (XX)...
  3. Dryxi

    I noticed webbing and brown spots on the edges

    if you only have a small infestation, on only the one plant, move the other plants away from it (to possibly slow them from migrating to the clean plants) and you could try predatory mites. I have fought spider mites multiple times with them, in flower, and it takes care of the problem every...
  4. Dryxi

    Does it matter which plant I use for the parents when breeding?

    Change the word to genetics in general and the points still stand. To genetically say males transfer potency greater means their chromosome have something different and better. In that case MALES would show the potency and females would not. The X and Y do not recombine much, in genetics I'll say.
  5. Dryxi

    rasberry pi enviorment controller

    I know you can use Fiverr to find someone who can program and give you a wiring diagram a controller to do what you want and more. I thought about going that route before deciding I'm not prepared for all the work involved. I got a quote though from some dude in South Carolina that had a biz he...
  6. Dryxi

    First Breeding info

    If you exhaust your tents to another location, you could just add an intake fan and close all the tent vents. Then when you open your breeding tent, make sure all the fans inside are off and keep the exhaust on before you do it, and probably wait a few minutes to let the air settle a little. The...
  7. Dryxi

    Does it matter which plant I use for the parents when breeding?

    I feel eugenics wise, that would make it a sex linked trait and I am not very sure that is true. I think it just comes back to the fact some plants have more dominant traits compared to others, but not necessarily sex related. I know some people breed complete lines without using males and are...
  8. Dryxi

    Male or Female

    W8 until you see bigger flowers but from my own experience sexing through pre-flowers: 1-4 female. 5 IDK leaning towards male, 6-8 male. Don't take any of that as gospel. A tip, the white hairs popping out of pic 3 is telltale female trait.
  9. Dryxi

    Does it matter which plant I use for the parents when breeding?

    They make the exact same possibilities. Simple genetics. WWxC99 is the exact same thing as C99xWW, outside of the fact the mother/father are different. The idea that strain A should be mom vs dad is bro science. In the end, the genes do not go together in a different way based upon who is mom vs...
  10. Dryxi

    Bud Trimmer Recommendations?

    Cheap dremel, piece of weed wacker wire, attach wire to bolt that holds the dremel blade (remove blade) You now have a reliable trim wacker for sub 20$
  11. Dryxi

    I need advice with auto watering

    Blumat is great and useful by quite a few. It sensor soil moisture and waters accordingly (not electric). Can be gravity drip or pump. You could do a timer+ pump on a halo.
  12. Dryxi

    Computer Vision IOT Set up

    Testing the soil water pH would be a hard job for a sensor I think. Pretty sure those sensors need a more liquid solution to pH rather than a mostly solid (soil) with only a little liquid. Best you could test for there is the moisture level in the soil, I think. I really don't know enough about...
  13. Dryxi

    When to tell between a Male and a Female ?

    I've found boys grow taller faster than girls (typically) edit: it makes sense, by being taller than the girls, it makes it easier to spread pollen across an entire field vs just the plant next to you.
  14. Dryxi

    When to tell between a Male and a Female ?

    The only one I'd make a guess at is the last one looks like a girl maybe. Hard to really tell. Second to last looks more like a boy but again hard to tell.
  15. Dryxi

    Let’s Debate Indoor Growing: Organics/Living Soil vs. Inorganic (synthetic) Media/Nutes

    Pretty sure there isnt a real better. just different styles to get the same results if dialed in. I grow in living soil, simply because I do auto watering with blumats and feel like I do nothing except top dress once a cycle. I am doing another grow in ebb&flow and just learning/starting. Can't...
  16. Dryxi

    Ebb & Flow: Cover or no?

    ya I plan on using hydroton and GH 3 part nutes. Appreciate the help guys
  17. Dryxi

    Ebb & Flow: Cover or no?

    So I have never grown in a hydroponic system and recently built a little 2x2 ebb and flow. I have seen (& heard in my greenhouse management class) conflicting advice on whether I should cover the table with some black poly. I understand the whole "bigger roots, bigger fruits", and I know that if...
  18. Dryxi

    Is this fungus or totally normal?

    looks like normal roots to me. roots aren't just straight tubes. the micro hairs are how they increase the surface area and tips to allow more nutrient and water uptake.
  19. Dryxi

    Environmental / Lighting Controller(s)

    I just bought the autopilot f90 chiefly due to the praise and long use @Renfro has given to his autopilot models over the time I've spent on riu. I really haven't read anything bad about them (outside of it not being the cheapest piece of equipment)