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  1. Dryxi

    Gl80 First grow

    if your using bottled nutes don't use them off the bat. Let the seedling get established first.
  2. Dryxi

    Gl80 First grow

    A small tip is not to put it taproot down. The plant knows which way is down, so the taproot will go that way no matter what, if you place the seed in sideways, then the plant will send its taproot down but the seed has more work to go through to pop up, helping get that shell off the coteylon...
  3. Dryxi

    University for Cannabis????

    getting a degree in something that has to do with cannabis, not necessarily growing it, is the best route at this point I think. Something like soil biology, bugs, etc.can find jobs somewhere in the industry for sure. Going for the straight "growing" degrees might not be worth much since you...
  4. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    This is what we look like today. Filling in nicely, unfortunately I am running out of ways to put it back under the net. I have come to find these 4 inch trellis are terrible. I should've used something like a 2 inch.
  5. Dryxi

    SIP question

    I think both those options will work fine. The wick idea sounds alot like an earthpot. I know the perlite should work out good! It is very similar to what I'm doing with the grow stones and that works great for me.
  6. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    I honestly have no idea. It is my first grow. My goal is of course as much as possible. I will probably get more like average/under especially with one plant not filling in his screen as well. It will be a wait and see thing. My next future grows will only be better. I think it was a poor choice...
  7. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Well I promised a picture so here we are. I just refilled the res below the planter bed with about 7 gallons of water. Means the plants are drinking about 8-11 gallons a week. I expect that number to rise and since I am going on vacation in October for a week it will be something I need to keep...
  8. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Today I gave them a soil drench of a ACT. The ingredients of the tea were kelp meal, a small amount of alfalfa meal, 1.5 cups of homemade EWC, and 15 ml of Rootwise Bio-Catalyst in 4.5 gal of water. I will take a picture of them in a couple hours to give an updated picture. They are looking...
  9. Dryxi

    Pheno hunting advice?

    Good quote that touches on your question from another thread.
  10. Dryxi

    No smell, no hope?

    I'd assume he repotted it after it showed up since that pot isn't sharing another plant either.
  11. Dryxi

    SIP question

    I have grow stones in a container under my 4x4 fabric planter bed. Works great. I fill it up and then just top water once or twice a week with just a little water. No problems here. Never had a over or under water issue and don't monitor it hard at all.
  12. Dryxi

    Majestic 12 Cobb LED grow

    Looking good man! Keep it up! gonna watch your grow
  13. Dryxi

    Dehumidifier for 8x12 sealed grow room

    I use the Santa fe compact 2 in my 20x10sqft room that holds my tent. Brought my RH down from 80+ in high RH weather (in the room) down to a steady 50-70% depending on what I have the dial set to.
  14. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Well they slightly passed the screen so I went ahead and turned on the second cmh and flipped to 12/12. I also did a top dress of grokashi, kelp, insect frass, and BAS craft blend under a 1.5" layer of homemade EWC. Temps went up to 86 from 81 when I turned on the other light so I did some...
  15. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    So today I filled the res again (took 8 gal to fill) and top watered the plants some EM5 and Microbe Complete. They are looking great just not quite even in size. Soon they will be at the scrog and I will top dress some N amendments to help them with stretch and then i'll do another with kelp...
  16. Dryxi

    Dryxi No-till Grow Journal

    Well here is another little update. I have done absolutely nothing to them since the last update except some low stress training. Realized the issue I was having wasn't burn from the IPM spray but instead was actually wind burn. It was the reason those leaves were looking weird as well. I had a...
  17. Dryxi

    Are they growing slowly or just normal?

    They have almost reached the scrog net I put up. They have been vegging now for about 7 weeks now. I'll flip once they actually reach the net. I felt like they were growing slowly but they are going fast now. No change, they just had to find their bearings in such a big planter bed.
  18. Dryxi

    A Thread Apart

    Breeding Stuff:
  19. Dryxi

    A Thread Apart just some good info.
  20. Dryxi

    Advice needed for little expansion

    So atm I have a 5x5 with a 4x4 planter bed in it (no till growing 4 plants right now). If the plan is downsized to 10 at a time, how should my expansion look? Just another tent for veg and use all 10 in the planter bed? I'm not against using pots or anything, just the bed is what I'm using now...