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  1. Dryxi

    Mold on two plants dirt?

    its mycorrhizae. Means you have healthy soil. It helps feed the plant what it needs among other things. All good.
  2. Dryxi

    Show me your worm bins and compost

    Worms eat most organic things. Paper, poop, fruits and veggies, etc. Odor means the food is literally rotting, which isn't how it is supposed to go. The worms each it as it decomposes quickly, so there should not be a bad smell. EWC is the worm poop, so if your doing a stackable bin, then you...
  3. Dryxi

    Show me your worm bins and compost

    My bin is quite a bit smaller than yours. I have one of those commercial worm farms. I never have leachate come out of it. Mainly the worms are fed composted horse manure. Whatever scraps I have from my family goes in there but it is nowhere near as much as you have in that picture. But my...
  4. Dryxi

    Are they growing slowly or just normal?

    nah i like the no till style. not too worried about disease. I hear, frequently, that soil no till growing makes for healthier disease resistant plants. I'm really after just quality but wasn't sure why I felt like mine were growing slowly. But I think it is because I basically started the seeds...
  5. Dryxi

    Welcome New Members!

    you'll have to listen to the fan, etc. but otherwise no different than anywhere else
  6. Dryxi

    bodhi seeds

    Did you notice anything early on that would help single those out? I'm after the sativa dominant phenos and have like 66 f1s
  7. Dryxi

    bodhi seeds

    I have a ton of silver mountain seeds that im gonna pop to try to find that sativa pheno. That is my goal at least
  8. Dryxi

    Are they growing slowly or just normal?

    oh, so having a big pot like the bed kinda will have them start slowly since boundaries are far and inbetween?
  9. Dryxi

    Are they growing slowly or just normal?

    This is my first grow. Some details of it are its a 4x4 planter bed, notill style, self made quality soil w/amendments. Humidity is 66 high / 60 low and temperature is 79/71. Plants are amnesia haze from RQS, sprouted on July 5 (so are just over a month old from seed). I feel like I see a lot of...
  10. Dryxi

    Smart pot worm farm

    Just put down your pot, put in your bedding about 5 inches deep and put some damp not soaking newspaper on top of it. Bedding can literally be almost anything from shredded newspaper to composted horse manure (i use old composted manure). The amount of bedding really depends on the amount of...
  11. Dryxi

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    This is really helpful. So what % would you use for other amendments like neem/karanja, malted barley, etc?
  12. Dryxi

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Another question I have is since I use a planter bed, do you top dress the whole bed or just around the plants? I dont have enough castings to cover an entire 4x4
  13. Dryxi

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    This is something I would like to know as well. I am wanting to do some top dressing but don't know how much I can safely put down. I have neem, malted barely, and kelp meal. So far I have just been doing compost teas with homemade castings
  14. Dryxi

    First Grow and saying Hello

    Little update on my first grow. Gave them a EWC tea at first light. Also did a fim on the two plants shown. All criticism and advice appreciated!
  15. Dryxi

    Seeds sprout but no growth?

    I did the seed soak for 24ish hours and they all popped fine
  16. Dryxi

    First time Indoor Grow

    Not bad man! Looking good. For someone that did no research when setting up, you seem like you have your ducks in a row. What are you using for that remote monitoring? Just curious.
  17. Dryxi

    First Grow and saying Hello

    Well I just attempted to FIM one of them that had 4 going on 5 nodes. We will see how it goes, since it was my first time. Hopefully it works out and gives me the confidence to FIM the other 3 sometimes this week as they catch up
  18. Dryxi

    Broken stems! Please help

    you can use some electrical tape and tape it up for a few days (not to tight) and it should heal up, esp since its still in veg. (forewarning this advice is not from experience but word of mouth)
  19. Dryxi

    Weed gives headaches and makes me feel sick

    I hope headaches aren't a norm for sativa lol I'm growing amnesia haze right now