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  1. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    we understand that you get what you pay for. I can't believe how many times I have answered the question "What's your secret?" with "soil"....
  2. doublejj

    Outdoor 100 gallon Smart Pots with inoculated super soil!!

    everything looks of luck
  3. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    this is 4 truck loads of the best organic potting soil we can buy....$14,000 :wink:
  4. doublejj

    What pot size should i transplant to?

    You can just peel the smart pot off like a sock.....
  5. doublejj

    What pot size should i transplant to?

    there is no such thing as too much pot......pun intended. figure out a pot size you think will be big enough, and then double it.......i'm up to 600gls so far :grin:
  6. doublejj

    What pot size should i transplant to?

    600gl.....but thats just me
  7. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    600gl smart pots......
  8. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    I have a crew for that.....
  9. doublejj

    Growing monsters

    I've grown a few big plants in my of luck
  10. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Giga Texas is the biggest building in America, and it's 63% finished
  11. doublejj

    What did you accomplish today?

    Trimming tops is a privilege...... :hug:
  12. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    A Tesla would be the perfect car to tow behind a motor home, because every time you stopped you would have a full charge......Boom
  13. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    My new trike is like a 'crossover'
  14. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  15. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  16. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    You can recharge a Tesla by towing 2 Teslas could drive cross country by taking turns charging each other and never have to hook to a charger....chain linked cars could take turns recharging each other,,,,,,
  17. doublejj


    I few years ago I lost a friend (and he was a member here on RIU) that was denied an organ transplant because he used cannabis......R.I.P. Hodgegrown I miss you buddy
  18. doublejj

    Covid-19 Houston Methodist has performed eight double lung transplants on COVID-19 patients, and has several more patients who are on life support awaiting transplant, Huang said. "These people are still...
  19. doublejj


    New Covid study hints at long-term loss of brain tissue, Dr. Scott Gottlieb warns “In short, the study suggests that there could be some long-term loss of brain tissue from Covid, and that would have some long-term consequences,” Gottlieb said...
  20. doublejj


    Brazil has 2,468 COVID deaths in 24 hours, nears half million toll -ministry