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  1. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    those communities are concerned about climate change and our future. And interested in local jobs creation. Every manufacturer in the world seeks cost effective locations to set up shop. Investing in green jobs for their communities is an investment in their own future, not a grift....Tesla...
  2. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    I'm not sure what tax payer money your talking about but i doubt Elon has ever received a dime for new oil exploration like the fossil fuel companies get.
  3. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  4. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  5. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil... “…Every solar Powerwall installation that the house or apartment or whatever the case may be, will be its own utility,” he said. “And so even if all the lights go out in the neighborhood, you will...
  6. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla Model 3 becomes most popular battery electric car on UK roads
  7. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil... According to data from Focus2Move (reported on by James Morris, writing in Forbes), Model 3 sold a total of 439,760 units in 2020. That’s over a third as many as the world’s top-selling car, the...
  8. doublejj


    Virtually all hospitalized Covid patients have one thing in common: They're unvaccinated
  9. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla Supercharger network reaches 25,000-charger milestone
  10. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  11. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    .other manufactures haven't put any $$$$ into charging network, they pawned it off to 3rd party investors.
  12. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    I do see a bit of a resemblance......
  13. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Tesla Plaid interior....
  14. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Hopefully some of the new infrastructure plan will help develop EV supply networks. EV charging stations should be replacing gas stations all over. Newer versions of cars are able to charge at a much faster rate and that should increase EV car sales.
  15. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    They are working on a cheaper Model, they just don't have enough factories ATM...
  16. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    Elon said it plan and clear during the event last night. In order to convert the masses over to ev's they first have to be convinced that electric cars are the best cars period. No ICE cars can compare to the Tesla Model S Plaid in performance. This lends credence to all EV's down the line. It...
  17. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

  18. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    there are so few moving parts there's not much to go wrong. Most likely just some new batteries and your good to go....
  19. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    I believe your taxes should be private unless your running for office or applying for a loan.
  20. doublejj

    Tesla New Model Unveil...

    he qualifies, he has Aspergers Syndrome.....