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  1. Horselover fat

    Can’t yield more than 2 zips a plant

    In some places and not the whole day.
  2. Horselover fat

    Can’t yield more than 2 zips a plant

    A 250w hps is pretty much perfect for a 2x2. Should end up with the same light level as 600w in a 1sqm tent.
  3. Horselover fat

    Let's Twist One up! Growing Cannabis with Screw in Bulbs in 2022 ♺

    It's not strange. Govts don't mandate higher efficacy and consumers don't understand. There are places where you would find the same bulbs with twice the filaments or diodes because higher efficacy is mandated.
  4. Horselover fat

    Early flower, Yellowing on middle leaves

    Over watering in soil can take a long to recover from. Drench the pot and the roots can't function. Now the pot dries mostly because of evaporation, but it dries top down so the actual root zone stays too wet for a long time. Roots die because of lack of oxygen and plant is still stunted even...
  5. Horselover fat

    Cutting growtips after finishing mainline

    They are looking great now. Keep them healthy and you'll have a great harvest. Nice setup too.
  6. Horselover fat

    $10,000 clone cut

    Five hundred or a thousand dollars seems exorbitant for a clone. However the price seems much more reasonable when it's placed next to a ten thousand dollar clone.
  7. Horselover fat

    Light with built in light mover

    Or boards. A bar fixture could have the bars move and it would be a better fixture for it, but probably not so much it would make sense at all.
  8. Horselover fat

    Which bar lights emit the least heat?

    Yeah, the spectrum does change plant morphology and in lettuce's case yield depends a lot on it. I'm not saying spectrum is irrelevant for us either, but I am saying the differences in the end result between reasonable spectrums is not that big. I don't think most of us are on a level where...
  9. Horselover fat

    Which bar lights emit the least heat?

    Look up bruce bugbee's videos. They prove green is used efficiently by the plants. There's no difference in plant mass between white light and just red&blue.
  10. Horselover fat

    Which bar lights emit the least heat?

    From what i glanced there was some basic level info and some bs to promote their lights. Should've just stuck with explaining how you can make more efficient lights with just blue and red instead of claiming a magic spectrum. Then again: they don't want to tell us how much light their fixtures...
  11. Horselover fat

    Which bar lights emit the least heat?

    Why do we want to read that ad?
  12. Horselover fat

    Which bar lights emit the least heat?

    Blue and red chips have much higher efficacy than white light leds, because energy is not wasted in converting the light with phosphors. The science we actually have says the spectrum doesn't matter that much.
  13. Horselover fat

    Which bar lights emit the least heat?

    Very little significance. Sure, go ahead and get the spectrum you want, but the differences will not be much. A regular white light led alone will grow very well. Redder spectrum grows a little longer nodes and bluer shorter nodes. UV or near uv may, perhaps, give a tiny bit more thc, but maybe...
  14. Horselover fat

    Top before transplanting?

    Bend them instead. No stress. One string around the stem at the bottom to keep it up right and another higher up the other way to bring the top down.
  15. Horselover fat

    Tent or Closet DIY?

    If I had a closet I would use it, mostly because the grow would be out of sight. Nothing wrong with a tent grow wise. Your closet is a little narrow for my liking, but you could make it work easy. Height is not a problem with leds. Just train the plants short.
  16. Horselover fat

    Led's to replace 4 1k hps

    Any that produce about 6000-7000 umol/s combined. Realistically you will save about a kw in light (and heat!).
  17. Horselover fat

    I grow small plants

    What's the definition of a smol plant? I grow small(ish) plants, but they don't yield that small. Are they small plants then? Maybe not, but atleast they are short! Candy kush @7w 12/12. The pot is about a foot wide.
  18. Horselover fat

    Cutting growtips after finishing mainline

    Looks to me like op got under your skin. Why are you so invested in this?
  19. Horselover fat

    Haze plant looks older than it is

    Yeah. SSH is a good, but you get everything from 7 week phenos to 16+ week phenos.
  20. Horselover fat

    Lollipopping before flowering?

    I usually state a fact. Then repeat it in another form once or maybe twice. I would be dumb for continuing beyond that. And this thread certainly wouldn't have 21 pages if you all didn't insist on repeating yourselves.