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  1. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    Aaand here's a top view a plant i'm growing now
  2. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    I've never topped a plant so I can't compare. I think I woild yield the same if I topped, but veg *might* take a bit longer. My yields have ranged from 150g to 450g in my 2x4 over the years. See how these plants are a kind of crown shape? They haven't been topped. Only LST*, yet no main top at...
  3. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    Yeah, I wrote that before I saw your post, but yes, you can start. It's early, but no reason not to start. Just don't force them too much. The plants are very resiliant though. Some times you do break a stem, but if it's not *completely* cut of there is anvery good chance it will heal it self...
  4. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    Your plant will be VERY bushy this way and you may need to remove some shoots, but I always think it's better to remove extra shoots than the main shoot. These are just my opinions and how I grow. Others will disagree and many of them are excellent growers. You gotta find what suits you :)
  5. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    Yes, you can. It's very early, but no reason not to really. Topping hurts the plant a little, but lst doesn't.
  6. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    ^LOL didn't look very carefully. In that picture they topped the plant when they lst'd to break apical dominance. You can do that too, but it isn't needed really if you just keep the tops level and/or start earlier..
  7. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    Well you need to have a couple of nodes but other than that it doesn't matter. With young ones you just have to be careful and don't force it too much. Starting early it's easier to break apical dominance. Here you can see how every shoot becomes a top.
  8. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    I think topping is pointless if you lst, unless you want to shape the plant in a specific way or something. I never top. If you start lst early and keep the tops level they will all become mains, which is what people are trying to achieve by topping.
  9. Horselover fat

    Topping and LST

    Forget about topping and just lst away, but before bending the plant place a string in opposite direction for counter force. That way it won't bend from the soil level, but from higher up where you placed the string.
  10. Horselover fat

    Migro Aray 120w

    Ha, well 200g from three plants and 320w led isn't exactly spectacular. In my opinion under 300g in 2x4 is not a success. Not that I cried over a 200g yield, but you know... If under 300g I messed something up and have to pay attention. If over 300g feel good, but try for more next time anyway...
  11. Horselover fat

    Migro Aray 120w

    I have diy 320w fixture. I've only completed two grows with it. One pheno hunt in soil and then one plant grow. The first grow was only about 200g, but the single plant was a pound. Now I have two plants going. Hoping for over 300g, but there's a month to go. Plenty of time to fuck up the grow :D
  12. Horselover fat

    Migro Aray 120w

    I use a 2x4 tent and it's plenty. 2x3 isn't much smaller.
  13. Horselover fat

    Migro Aray 120w

    How big is your space? Edit or how small? :D
  14. Horselover fat

    How to clone and get roots like this?

    ^ I'm not saying my method is perfect. I'm saying I think people make cloning too hard. Yes, a heat mat would be great and there are many good devices for cloning, but it realky isn't that hard. If you need 100s of clones my method would suck, but for a few clones it's enough.
  15. Horselover fat

    How to clone and get roots like this?

    Yeah, I sometimes use a dome, but then you have to remember to air it. If it's too cold they don't root. I once waited for over a month before realizing it's cold, moved them to a warmer place and had roots in a few days. This time I took cuttings on fourth week of flower. Didn't use a dome and...
  16. Horselover fat

    How to clone and get roots like this?

    I just take the cutting and stick it in a moistened peat pellet, put it under a small lamp 24/7 and wait. Works great.
  17. Horselover fat

    Cali weed grow technique ?

    ^those look like normal buds. The ones posted on the first page look weird.
  18. Horselover fat

    Cali weed grow technique ?

    I was going to ask if they are machine trimmed, because I've never seen buds like that. Weird lookkng.
  19. Horselover fat

    What is the highest watts/sqft you have flowered with using CMH?

    I ran a 315 in my 2x4. I always thought it needed 50% more light.
  20. Horselover fat

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    And then I added bitumen to the sides of my buckets. This brought down the sound level in the room by 3db.