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  1. Horselover fat

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    And it will certainly be accurate for your situation, so it should be valuable information for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I just commented on why there are so few tests around: It's a lot of work to get it right.
  2. Horselover fat

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    ^ sure it's easy to compare two grows like that, but I'm not sure you will get results that can really be applied elsewhere. If you repeat your experiment a few times you will get results that apply to your grow. Some one else growing in a different style might have a different experience. We...
  3. Horselover fat

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    It really isn't that easy to make a proper side by side experiment that actually proves something.
  4. Horselover fat

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    Dwc can be rather loud. The pump makes a lot of noise, but it's relatively easy to dampen it somewhat. I'm finding it more difficult to quiet down the buckets! The airstone vibrates and the whole bucket vibrates. I can feel my floor vibrate when I stand in the room... What helped a lot was...
  5. Horselover fat

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    I bend my plants a lot so it is absolutely mandatory to remove A LOT of leaf. Otherwise you would just have a huge damp mess. Anyway you can't absorb more than 100% of the light, so I do think it's in our best interest to select where the light is absorbed.
  6. Horselover fat

    First LST grow.

    Preflowers often first form at the fourth node when the seventh node grows. ime. If you have to bend a branch at a certain point you should crush it first to avoid breaking.
  7. Horselover fat

    Rectangular grow tent
  8. Horselover fat

    HortiBloom 650W Mega Plus ? Any review ?

    They also sell a fixture that provides 3000 ppfd/s/m^2 at 12"... ...:p
  9. Horselover fat

    HortiBloom 400W COB LED Grow Light Giveaway

    Obviously. It won't be 3000 pppfd/s/m^2.
  10. Horselover fat

    HortiBloom 400W COB LED Grow Light Giveaway

    "SOLO 400 cob led grow light can output 3000+ μmol/s/m2 of PPFD at 12 inches" That *would* be amazing.
  11. Horselover fat

    LUX Meter- What Can I Do With It?

    Sure, I'm just saying there's no need to pay for an app to use your phone as a meter. I didn't Look at how they measure. I just assumed they would use the camera... I only tried measuring once with my new phone. Didn't get large variation across my area, but yeah, the glass probably reflects a...
  12. Horselover fat

    LUX Meter- What Can I Do With It?

    $5 for an app isn't going to make the metering any better, but I thought these apps would use the camera for measurements. If they use some other light sensor that would explain why my old phone only measured to 10k lux.
  13. Horselover fat

    LUX Meter- What Can I Do With It?

    Download a free app and see if your phone works for the measurements. My old phone only measured up to 10k lux for some reason.
  14. Horselover fat

    What does everyones tap water look like?

    pH 8 and very soft 0.1 ec
  15. Horselover fat

    What Cured Weed Looks Like

    My avb is usually quite a bit darker.
  16. Horselover fat

    Round 2! HLG Saber vs Amare SB800 RDWC

    Are there lenses on the amare?
  17. Horselover fat

    What Cured Weed Looks Like

    Who knows :bigjoint:
  18. Horselover fat

    What Cured Weed Looks Like

    Now light a big bowl and watch a scanner darkly. It's more fun and less dark than the trailer makes it out to be though.
  19. Horselover fat

    What Cured Weed Looks Like

    It's Philip k dick's alter ego in a few of his books. "Fat realized that one of two possibilities existed and only two; either Dr. Stone was totally insane – not just insane but totally so – or else in an artful, professional fashion he had gotten Fat to talk; he had drawn Fat out and now knew...
  20. Horselover fat

    What Cured Weed Looks Like

    A yoghurt maker maintains a constant temperature. I really don't remember If the op of the thread used it or if it was someone else. It's been a long time...