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  1. ImGuccBro

    FV-08VS1 Panasonic Whisper or S&P TD-100

    And not a single F*%$ was given today.
  2. ImGuccBro

    S&P TD-Silent Series vent fan question... Are you using one?

    Cant u go to home depot and ask for a smaller size?? i think sometimes they can cut up an open package for u. I would give em a call.
  3. ImGuccBro

    FV-08VS1 Panasonic Whisper or S&P TD-100

    Both are about the same price just wondering which pros would choose? Whisper holds up better against SP than the TD-100 BUT in my research it sounds like its impossible to install a carbon filter on the whisper. I have a 250w hps in my 2'x3'x2' LxHxW grow room so i need my ventilation to be...
  4. ImGuccBro

    What is the reason for the "planty" smell after lights out?

    is it bad enough to get you caught? Or just one of those "your room stank" kinda things
  5. ImGuccBro

    Some tips on stealth box ideals

    Thanks alot for the reply! and yes i plan to scrog and lst like hell on this go around. I know the plants pots will probably raise the plants up 6'' and i plan to let them get to about a foot before flipping my switch to flower. What do u think about the lights? Is a 150 too much for my grow...
  6. ImGuccBro

    Some tips on stealth box ideals

    So i got my stealth box size decided at 20w x 30h x 22d. This gives me 3 square feet to work with which equals a 150 watt hps (Or 100 watt with CFLs???). Now everything from the box, to the lights, to the vents, and to the carbon filter will have to be custom because of budget restriction. My...
  7. ImGuccBro

    Dont know what to do from here :/

    Thanks for the response chasta! ill let them be for now... but should i attempt to move/ transplant the burnt seedling to some regular dirt or leave it be?
  8. ImGuccBro

    Dont know what to do from here :/

    I think its genetics because the conditions for the other seedlings are the EXACT same. The cups have good drainage as i am not and idiot. Also ive watered this plant a max of 3-4 times since shes ben alive in the past weeds and i have not added any nuts since she sprouted. I think the soil...
  9. ImGuccBro

    Dont know what to do from here :/

    @Jman23 Im watering only when the cups feel dry (im still getting a feel for this) I had just watered before taking the pic. @No Clue The problematic one is about 2 weeks old and after looking around she is rather small :/ the other two are reg seeds that i germinated and planted about 8 days...
  10. ImGuccBro

    Dont know what to do from here :/

    Soil: Happy Frog (Soil conditioner) Temp: Average of 79 degrees but varies between 77-81 Light: 1 100 watt equivalent florescent about 6 inches away Strain: Bubba Kush This seedling is about 2 weeks old... In her first days of life she was attack and lost half of one of the bottom rounder...
  11. ImGuccBro

    The Final 3...

    Well they've been through hell and back and sadly 3 sisters didn't make it... (RIP Nene shenana and Tete :'( ) Just tell me what they need and ill do my best to comprehend what you guys are saying... Btw anything i can do for a bug that's eating my youngest..? She already lost one leaft to...
  12. ImGuccBro

    Fast and Strong plz?

    SO, after the recent funeral of my chemdawg babies i wanna start a new group of babies that im sure will atleast make it to flowering. I have school at the start of august and wanna witness all the various changes as im only counting a successful grow as a first grow. My question is what u...
  13. ImGuccBro

    Can my girls be brought back?

    Man how is this possible?! They were completely fine two days ago then i check on them today and there gone :(
  14. ImGuccBro

    Can my girls be brought back?

    All are Chemdawg clones expect the seedling which is Bubba Kush i germinated and planted. This is my first grow and I'm pretty sure they're severely dehydrated. I had been spraying them once every 2 days since i brought them from outside and put them in my makeshift grow box. Temps in grow...