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    It's blue cheese mate I believe it's a indica so I've read
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    done samsonsriddle thankyou again
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    ok so i was commenting on a previous post about my plants being 6 foot tall the light is at max height and has started to burn the top buds quite worrying received some great advice anything im greatful for as a first time grower also im on day 38 or flowering i have to go away for a few months...
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    samsonriddle i dont know how i signed up here half hour ago
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    @SamsonsRiddle i will do mate thankyou all for your information
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    yes nectarsecter the strain is royal blue cheese grew from royal queen seeds
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    600 Watt Grow Light Omega PRo its my first time growing ever i have 4 plants all of the same size they smell so potent its unreal they just dont seem to want to stop growing
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    yeah i think i over vegged majorly thereout of control lol and now im worried about losing my precious buds haha ill try the bending thanks for the info theyve been flowering for 38 days i have to go away in 16 days for a few months can i harvest early or would it destroy the buds ?
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    i already did tht now there growing sideways out of control as you can see its a monster of a plant
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    Transplant halfway through flowering or not?

    i dont know how to post a thread ..i need help my plants are over 6 foot tall and the light is at its highest possible point the top buds are burning and information
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    help my plants are over 6 foot and the light is starting to burn the buds up top

    help my plants are over 6 foot and the light is starting to burn the buds up top
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    Any advice? See my plant

    i have a problem here my plants are over 6 foot tall my light is at its highest point buds are starting to burn up top what should i do