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  1. Tattooedscum

    Second Grow Strawberry Cough

    Had some watering issues. No one to blame but myself. Got it back on track though and looking better. Transplant to 1gal on Tues
  2. Tattooedscum

    Second Grow Strawberry Cough

    Aug 8th what a beautiful day.
  3. Tattooedscum

    Second Grow Strawberry Cough

    Long time since i started this thread. Ive planted and have progress. I used the shotglass method. Soaking for 24hrs. I then rolled my seed in some powder mykros. I ammended my soil with bio char, barley, and earth warm castings. Also add powder mykros. 13 days since the seed hit the soil...
  4. Tattooedscum

    Second Grow Strawberry Cough

    Honestly its been so long i can remember. Im kinda new at this so i just Googled. I know. Not good. Ive been wanting to get something form Humboldt seed co. Or square one.
  5. Tattooedscum

    Second Grow Strawberry Cough

    Starting my second ever grow. My first grow was Slurricane and I felt like I did an okay job. I definitely want to do better. I’m only growing one plant so I can experiment with some things I’ve learned since last time. Strawberry Cough has always been a favorite of mine. I have new set up. Last...
  6. Tattooedscum

    Loss of smell during cure

    Okay. Thanks man!
  7. Tattooedscum

    Loss of smell during cure

    Wait? Keep doing that? Like every night and jar them during the day? Sorry. Didnt fully understand
  8. Tattooedscum

    Loss of smell during cure

    Ill give this a try thanks!
  9. Tattooedscum

    Loss of smell during cure

    I hope not man. I know im gonna have to fail to learn. But ive been super pumped how well my first grow went. Thanks!
  10. Tattooedscum

    Loss of smell during cure

    Ive been burping twice a day for about 15-20 min each. Its been about a week.
  11. Tattooedscum

    Loss of smell during cure

    This is my first grow and i can honestly things have went well. Thanks to this forum and friends i feel like i did a really good job. Although ive run into what i believe is a problem. Everything smelled great at the end of drying. Nice and strong. As ive started curing. It seems ive lost that...