Search results

  1. OverCloudz

    Tap water vs RO vs carbon filter

    I live in Thailand and my tap water comes out at 190ppm. Thai tap water is not safe to drink so I’m just wondering how bad it is for plants. Should I go for a RO filter or just 1 carbon filter for coco? I was able to have an ok harvest using tap water only but I want to optimize my set up.
  2. OverCloudz

    Controller bucket ebb and flow explanation

    been searching tons of hours online, i think ive watched hundreds of videos, still don't understand what and how a controller bucket works. I'm giving up lol
  3. OverCloudz

    New coco set up (auto drain tray with pipes)

    Would love to buy the bucket company kit but they don't sell it here in Thailand. I will have to diy with pipes and pumps. I have drip rings and will also auto water them.
  4. OverCloudz

    New coco set up (auto drain tray with pipes)

    I live in Thailand and there's not a lot of equipment available like in europe or america. Each of these trays are 15$ so it's a bit expensive for 12 plants but not sure what else i could do with the equipment they have here.
  5. OverCloudz

    New coco set up (auto drain tray with pipes)

    Thanks a lot! Would i even need the U shaped pipe to connect them or not since they are both connected to the pump? Also I've been trying to find this exact pump you linked me but they don't have it where I live. I found a similar one, similar price but I can't find any specs on it, the only...
  6. OverCloudz

    New coco set up (auto drain tray with pipes)

    great thanks. Is the drawing accurate on how this draining method would work? When does this pump work exactly? While watering it stays on?
  7. OverCloudz

    New coco set up (auto drain tray with pipes)

    I would like to built a set up using those trays but I'm not the best diy guy on the planet. If i understand correctly, is this how it works? What king of pump will i need to drain 12 plants? thanks!
  8. OverCloudz

    Controller bucket ebb and flow explanation

    Can someone explain to me what purpose does a controller bucket have in an ebb and flow bucket system? Why can't we just pump water from reservoir to plants? It seems like it's for gravity to fill the bucket evenly? What does the device on the bucket does different than a normal timer? I'm...
  9. OverCloudz

    ebb flood and drain Basics, am I missing something?

    Hey guys, I'm a newb on flood and drain systems, can you tell me if I'm skipping something with this method? 1. Get a flood and drain table and a reservoir under it. The reservoir should be 3-4x the capacity size of the table and has to be covered. 2. Make 2 holes in the table, 1 hole for a...
  10. OverCloudz

    ebb equipment list question

    I want to switch from coco hand watering to ebb flood and drain and I live in Thailand where it's hard to find what I need so can you guys tell me if it's correct? I would buy this table and i would have to make 2 holes in it, 1 hole for a flood valve and 1 hole for a drain valve. These...
  11. OverCloudz

    Too late to top?

    thanks guys
  12. OverCloudz

    Too late to top?

    Is it too late?
  13. OverCloudz

    What is wrong with my cookies gelato strain

    When you say “way too humid” what % are you talking about? Seedlings love high humidity
  14. OverCloudz

    Can you judge my yellow babies?

    Can we call 17 days old plants seedlings or early veg? I was using 25% dimmer for the first 10 days. I basically just followed mars hydro recommendation but i did 50% and 60% instead of 75% right away. So what would you recommend?
  15. OverCloudz

    Can you judge my yellow babies?

    Would you water + feed everyday? Should I water without nutes and see if they become greener?
  16. OverCloudz

    Can you judge my yellow babies?

    These pics are day 17 after putting seeds in rockwool and transplanting to coco. It's my first grow, I'm pretty sure I have optimal conditions for temperature, humidity and airflow. I have good feminized seeds and my ac is turned on 24/7 because of the hot climate where I live in. Most of the...
  17. OverCloudz

    lm301h vs lm281b

    Thanks for answering. Would you say that in your exemple, going for the 450$ would be worth the extra 170$ Vs the 281 or the results would be almost identical? I’m too much of a newb to understand how these numbers work (umol/J) and how they affect quality of the plant + yield size. the light I...
  18. OverCloudz

    lm301h vs lm281b

    Is there a big difference between these 2 chips? Most lights have a big price difference, the 301 being much more expensive. Are we talking about a tiny difference in performance or a big one? I've been spending way too much time trying to find a light. Many good deals on lm281b but without any...
  19. OverCloudz

    help me choose between these 2 lights for my 4x4

    I'm buying them from a Thailand seller
  20. OverCloudz

    help me choose between these 2 lights for my 4x4

    4x4 tent, limited budget, I live in Thailand so I also have limited choices. The 2 lights I was thinking of are: sunplus 510w, 380$us (lm301h - uv+ir) cretivity 720w, 400$us (lm281b - uv+ir)...