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  1. OverCloudz

    my timer stopped working after first day of flowering. What should i do now?

    Under a 1000watt hps, I made a dark period of 24h and after switched them to 12/12 and we could see the beginning of the flowers (pale green on the top of some leaves) . But when i was back from work, the light was still on so it was on for 24h and the pale green leaves are not pale anymore...
  2. OverCloudz

    pics inside: 3 days flowering, new leaves become yellow, humid. prob. (kalashnikova)

    Hi guys, my plants are from feminised kalashnikova seeds, i feed them with canna vega A-B 15ml of each per 5L of water and they are in soil. I bought an humidifier but i still cant raise the humidity % more than 30-35. Is it a big problem? The leaves became yellow since i put them in a 32 hours...
  3. OverCloudz

    yellow leaves and when should i transfer them?

    They look much beter now, i posted some pics in my journal. Lol if you weren't there to tell me about the dome, they would probably be dead today hehe thanks again
  4. OverCloudz

    First grow Kalashnikova 1000 watts

    they are now 3 weeks old, they look much more beter now :clap: I think they like the new 400watt hps, the rhisotonic and their new cycle of 16/8. but like you can see on the pictures, the humidity is about 25% so i bought a humidifier but it raise the room temp over 85%F so i'll put an air...
  5. OverCloudz

    yellow leaves and when should i transfer them?

    ok thanks I moved them today in 4'' pots and changed the light 400hps and will do 16/8. I started giving them rhizotonic and i started the fans also today to move the hot air out of the tent they are now 2 weeks old and still look bad :(
  6. OverCloudz

    First grow Kalashnikova 1000 watts

    why i can't edit my first post to put pictures of my set up? So more pics today, they are 2 weeks old and they don't look healthy at all :s i don't know what is the problem. I keep the temperature at about 78 degrees, ph at 5.6, gave them not too much water and took off the dome after 1 week...
  7. OverCloudz

    yellow leaves and when should i transfer them?

    so many things to read and learn, i didint know i had to take off the dome after i saw the first 2 leaves, thanks for telling me :-? Today there are more yellow spots on more leaves, it freaks me out. I hope that the dome was the problem
  8. OverCloudz

    yellow leaves and when should i transfer them?

    wow very nice i'm jealous :D What strains is that? do you have a journal? yes i can see like one root coming out of some cups. I thought i had to wait for more roots to come out and then transfer them in 4'' pots. Hey after how many days did you switch from fluorescent light (seedling) to your...
  9. OverCloudz

    yellow leaves and when should i transfer them?

    no i didint give any nutes. I first put the small soil cups in water 5.6ph for 30 minutes and put the germinated seeds in it. After 3 days i could see that the soil was a little bit dry so i watered them only once in 9 days. Now they dont seem to be strong and healthy... They are under a...
  10. OverCloudz

    yellow leaves and when should i transfer them?

    hi guys, i started a journal of my first grow in the journals section of the forum but it dosen't seems to be visible to others :idea: here is the link So i started 15 feminised kalashnikova seeds...
  11. OverCloudz

    First grow Kalashnikova 1000 watts

    so its been 9 days now and i'm a little bit worried cause there are yellow spots on some leaves. I read its because of over watering? And when is the best time to transfer the plants in 4'' pots? thanks
  12. OverCloudz

    First grow Kalashnikova 1000 watts

    Hi guys, i started reading this forum not so long ago and decided to make a journal here for my first grow. I'm a total newb so ill probably ask you some advices here :) I orderded in quebec, Canada from attitude 15 kalashnikova feminised seeds from green house and i received them the next...