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  1. M

    A little help please

    January 1st. Almost 3 months
  2. M

    A little help please

    I flipped jags 1st I bilieve
  3. M

    A little help please

    So I’ve been in flower mode since end of beginning of January. I have tons of tricomes but mostly clear and cloudy still. The strain is do si dos. Growing indoor in tent. Do not have temp regulated just what ever temp is in room. Im Ph is roughly between 6.5 and 7. Plants look beautiful but at...
  4. M

    Any info helps

    Thanks for the info. I have heard of it but I have kids. The wife may not like that. Since I have you I do have another question. For the last 2 weeks I’ve seen no growth on my plant that’s close to harvest. Still tons of white pistels sticking out. Just looks like the buds are getting darker...
  5. M

    Any info helps

    I appreciate the knowledge. I do have a 1 gallon jar of weed that will probably be awful. So that’s why on this second plant I want as much info as possible. I don’t think I can get my temps lower than 75 to 80 in my drying tent that’s in my room. I do not a dehumidifier or humidifier. That’s...
  6. M

    Any info helps

    I’m pretty sure the mismanagement of the heat and humidity is killing me.
  7. M

    Any info helps

    Right on. Great info. The issues your seeing on the leaves are on all the buds. Kinda scary. I only give nutes 1 time a week. And I don’t really keep up on water daily just because of work schedule I forget. Should I keep the dwc topped off.
  8. M

    Any info helps

    So temps in my garage tent as of now are 87 degrees. And the humidity is 55.
  9. M

    Any info helps

    Yeah the temps are high. And humidity is high. Thanks for the help.
  10. M

    Any info helps

    I am gonna skip doing these Summer grows from now on. So I have a second plant that honestly I am scared to harvest. I have a picture taken today. It’s a week younger than the other plant. But looks to be darker. Can I get some eyes and info on it please.
  11. M

    Any info helps

    Temps in the garage can get up to 100. I had them growing inside but was making room too hot. I am still new to growing but I did a wet trim. Right after harvest. And watering was a couple days before harvest. I’m still not sure on when to harvest so I rolled the dice. Attached is a pic of a...
  12. M

    Drying question.

    Can I face my evaporative cooler towards a vent in my drying tent to bring down the temps. Temps above 80 degrees and humidity at 50 without?
  13. M

    Any info helps

    So I am growing 2 plants DWC in a 4 by 4 grow tent in my garage. I also have the same tent setup in my bedroom for drying. The issue I’m having is controlling the temps in the tent that’s in the garage. Im still new to growing and not sure if the heat is causing the leaves to look diseased of if...
  14. M

    Can i pick your brain

    Gotta think on the fly. Lmao! Thanks
  15. M

    Can i pick your brain

    I appreciate that. Thank you. Trial and error
  16. M

    Can i pick your brain

    So I didn't even know about this forum till a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure I gave to much nutes. I bought some cheap lights off Amazon. I have (2)4 by 4 tents with ventilation system. I have been giving them the fox farms trio. Cal mag. And terpinator. I just ordered different lights. And the...
  17. M

    Can i pick your brain

    Yeah I rookied all of those. Will the taste be affected
  18. M

    Can i pick your brain

    I'm new to growing. My first 2 plants are at the end of there time before harvest. I did make quite a few mistakes. But I want to ask why the plants don't smell strong at all. Just barely a hint. Anything helps. Thanks
  19. M

    Quick question

    Haven't checked it. But my tent is in my room and it gets into the 80s in there