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  1. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    I'm thinking I need to cut back on the regular nutes about 4 weeks into flower. Seems like it always happens about 6 weeks in.
  2. selfmedicator462

    Magnesium deficiency?

    Another pic with lights out.
  3. selfmedicator462

    Magnesium deficiency?

    Ive tried it at that PH and had bad results. In my journal you can see the results early on of using the low PH. It wasnt taking in the nitrogen at all. Bump it up to 6.9 or so and everything is golden. Its been that way since my very first grow. Not sure why. If its the medium. My water. My...
  4. selfmedicator462

    Magnesium deficiency?

    This promix isnt soil. Its just peat moss and perilite. With a 600 watt HPS my temps run around 80-84 degrees. Usually around 72 at night. That and this is a large plant it dries out in about 3 days. The stem is at least 1.5" in diameter. I check it once in a great while with a moisture meter...
  5. selfmedicator462

    Magnesium deficiency?

    I can't go that low of a ph with soiless or it locks out. I have to keep it high around 6.7-7.0. I don't use a res. I have a 5gal smart pot filled with pro mix and perilite. About every 3 days I feed/water with about 3 gallons of water which gives me a decent runoff. I'm feeding at 900ppm right...
  6. selfmedicator462

    Magnesium deficiency?

    Im using soiless promix as a medium therefore I need to feed with every watering. If you just water it rinses the nutes out of the medium. When I feed i always have plenty of runoff. That pic is with the lights off.
  7. selfmedicator462

    Magnesium deficiency?

    Here is a link to my journal.
  8. selfmedicator462

    Magnesium deficiency?

    I think I developed a magnesium deficiency. The last few grows have done this late in flower. I already use calmag and pk booster that has mg in it. I started foiliar feeding an Epsom salt solution and gave it a shot of calmag this morning to help the problem. In starting on week 7 of flower so...
  9. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    I think I've developed a magnesium deficiency. I've gotten this on my last few grows late in flower. I increase mag during flower so I'm not sure if it's not enough or its locking out. I started folier feeding Epsom salt mixture and gave them a shot of calmag today.
  10. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Flowers are starting to really fatten up. Seeing some Amber trics.
  11. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Plant is gonna finish strong! Getting some bleaching on the flower tips in the back. Happens on every grow. 600w is either too much or I'm getting a touch of reflection
  12. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Just noticed this thing has like no smell! A little herb smell that's it.
  13. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    And back to normal. Amazing how fast they react.
  14. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Was a little late getting home today. She's thirsty. Getting droopy. I think once I get the nutes dialed in and let it fill the screen this will be as big a producer as my pennywise was. I was pulling close to a pound before I switched strains.
  15. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Night pic
  16. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Starting week 5. Got my deficiency fixed. For some reason I have to ph at 7.0. Not sure if it's the pro mix, water or type of nutes in using.
  17. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    solved my problem....or i hope i solved my problem. I bumped up my feeding and raised my ph to 7.0 like i did when I was using softened RO water on my other grows. Over night i already see the yellow lower leaves turning back green. Im not sure why I have to ph so high to get good results. I...
  18. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    That's deep man
  19. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    Yeah im already adding calmag. The only thing im doing different from my other grows is the strain and I switched from softened to hard water. The only reason I switched was I read in some book that soft is bad.
  20. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    I'm getting some cupping leaves at the top now. They are dark and glossy. Just a few not very many. Thought that was a sign of N toxicity. But the lower yellow leave suggest it needs more N. I've raised my ph to 6.5 on a hunch.