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  1. selfmedicator462

    Good strain for anxiety?

    So true. I have been smoking pennywise for awhile now and every once in a while I'll grab one of the lower popcorn buds that weren't quite ready and I get really jittery.
  2. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    Something I forgot to mention is that I use a RO system.
  3. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    I thought I would be better off on hard water. With soft I was having to ph at 7.0 to keep them looking good.
  4. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    Guess pics would help
  5. selfmedicator462

    PH problem?

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency or a PH issue? Leaves are starting to turn yellow. Growing in soiless using promix. Hydroponics Research all in one nutes and HR pk booster for flower. Feeding at 500ppm at 6.0ph. Ive got 6 grows under my belt with this set up and havent had any issues at all but i...
  6. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    I noticed a lot of lime green leaves when the lights are out. I've been feeding at 500ppm and 6.0 ph. Using pk booster and a little calmag. This is my first grow using hard water so I'm guessing I need to dial in my ph. On soft water my ph had to be up around 7.0 to get hoot uptake.
  7. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Lots of flowers forming
  8. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Almost 2 months in the fridge and my clones are taking off. I used the "exhale in bag" method of keeping them in co2 till I was ready to root them.
  9. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Lights off.
  10. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    She looks droopy when she sleeps
  11. selfmedicator462

    To be honest penny wise is like the 3rd strain I've ever smoked in my life. I did research...

    To be honest penny wise is like the 3rd strain I've ever smoked in my life. I did research before I picked it. It's probably more for PTSD type stuff but I have noticed it takes pain away in my hands.
  12. selfmedicator462

    It's a girl!

    It's a girl!
  13. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    4 days after flipping I have pistles. I knew it was female. Had a feeling. Now I wish I woulda grew her out another 2 weeks. Oh well I have a bag of clones in the fridge.
  14. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Went ahead and flipped it yesterday. The 600 watt hps jumps the temps from 75 up to 85.
  15. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Week 5 veg. Gonna flip this weekend.
  16. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Three weeks into veg. Might go another week and take some clones then put her into flower. Not going to do a scrog just in case this is a male.
  17. selfmedicator462

    Loompa Farms AC/DC Bubster

    Never had a strain with growth from every branch like this. Growing good tho.
  18. selfmedicator462

    Methotrexate and cannabis use

    I finally got of the methotrexate. They put me on humira instead. So far there is no problems when combining it with mj. It did wonders for my skin. Cleared up all the psoriasis. Now hopefully in kicks the arthritis in the ass. Too bad each injection is $1700!