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  1. B

    Advice from pro please.

    10 gals is prob enough for me... i would rather have the piece of mind knowing what is in my feed water. Ill try it for now.. the softener is already in the house and r.o. system was $188 on amazon.
  2. B

    Advice from pro please.

    I took magnifying glass and went over the plants...didnt find any signs of bugs..
  3. B

    Advice from pro please.

    Hey man, i talked to a buddy of mine who sells r.o. systems he told me to run softwater through r.o. the hardwater will wear it out faster....
  4. B

    Advice from pro please.

    Getting R.O. system Thursday....
  5. B

    Advice from pro please.

    OK. I'm gonna flush with my hardwater and gh florakleen.. thanks.
  6. B

    Advice from pro please.

    What if i cant gett r.o. water? Would my best option be to use water before it goes through softener??as in (hardwater) , or would that be worse?
  7. B

    Advice from pro please.

    Stems feel fine to me...
  8. B

    Advice from pro please.

    Yes i p.h. 6.0 and ppm is 550. I have hardwater that has been softened with water softener. I know thats not ideal, thats what ive been using from day 1 of has a ppm of 160. Would i be better to use water that has not gone through softener? I have 6 others and a few are showing burn...
  9. B

    Advice from pro please.

    I'm having some blotchy, rusty looking spots just starting a couple days ago on fan leaves on my white widow?? It's in 5 gal fabric pot in pro mix hp, GH nutrients..... see pic, any input is awesome. Would like to take care of it before it becomes a problem.. very purple stems on the fan...
  10. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Another thing, I have one I started from seed that split into 2, I think it was because the seed cap got stuck. Would it make sense to cut one side off? (see pic) and would you cut it right where I am pointing in the pic?
  11. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Ok., and i was asking how long for the stem on the clone? It prob should have at least one node on it??
  12. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    How long of a stem minimum??
  13. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    I can't wait that long, I want to cut some soon to use them to veg.. should I wait till there a couple feet tall at least? If I cut to soon will just slow them down from growing??
  14. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    How big do I have to let them get before I can cut a few clones??
  15. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    My main goal is to have 2 foot plants ready for outdoors in the spring, and keep my mothers alive for next winter..
  16. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Thanks man, these forums and people like you are awesome to be able to ask questions about this.. I got so much space under that light I decided to pop.some more!! I will update..
  17. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Was planning on 5 gal to be the last pot I will use.. can I go right from 1 gal to 5 gal?? Or go to a 3 gal first?? Like I said I am usually growing under the sun... so this whole light thing is new to me.. decided to go with the DE because I got a good deal on it... I'm in a 10x12 room with 8'...
  18. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Also, when should I think about putting into bigger pots..?? they have been in 1 gal only for about 10 days, but can aalready see a few roots coming out drain holes in pots
  19. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    This is the light I recently bought!
  20. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Thanks for the advice Peanut. My plan is to raise mothers and cut clones.. that is why I f.I.m., I want them to branch I can start cutting babies... what are your thoughts on the fI'm method??