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  1. B

    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    I now have light 3 feet from top of plants.. Any experience with double ended lights?
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    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Thanks for the reply.. I have since moved the light down.. I was worried it would burn the plants. The soil is prone mix hp and coco mixed.. I have general hydro trio.. I just gave them thee first full feed of nutrients yesterday also just put them under this light yesterday. They were under t5...
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    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    How close to the plants should I put this beast of a light to the plants???... 1000w double ended w/mh bulb.
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    Advice from expierence on drooping leaves

    Hey just wondering what you guys think?? Do my plants look OK? Just put them in my new room yesterday under 1000w DE mh bulb.. I'm new to indoor.. I started the plants in a grow box I built with t5 lighting.. I'm just looking for confirmation everything looks good?? Leaves seem to be drooping a...
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    Watering tips for the rookie soil growers out there

    So the General Hydroponics flora series won't work for me in promix?
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    Watering tips for the rookie soil growers out there

    Also I had already planted the seeds before I got your post about dry organic fertilizer, so it is kind of hard to add now, until I transplant. Will the GH flora series be ok??
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    Watering tips for the rookie soil growers out there

    Thanks, can I use General Hydropnics (Rapid start) on the very delicate seedlings???
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    Watering tips for the rookie soil growers out there

    Thanks, can I use General Hydropnics (Rapid start) on the very delicate seedlings???
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    Watering tips for the rookie soil growers out there

    Also a question about nutrients?? I have GH box set of the three main ones flora veg, flora micro, and bloom.. there is also a root enhancer called (Rapid start).. when is it safe to start using??
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    Watering tips for the rookie soil growers out there

    Thanks man, I'm sure this won't be the last question I have...its my first indoor grow, I had trouble with my previously g3rmed seeds, I tried roxul grodan 1" cubes and pretty sure they were overwatered. I didn't realize till it was to late how wet the cubes were.. so trying promix now and are...
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    Watering tips for the rookie soil growers out there

    Question? I just planted 10 germinated seeds in promix hp, I watered the soil really well last night and let it drain all day today and planted the seeds.. Will they be fine without water for a week or more.. I have them in a grow box I built with t5 light, it stays between 72-78 degrees. I...