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  1. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    how much we looking at for that? these arnt really high quality seeds. Just bag seeds. So Id hate to waste the money and get some males and hermies. ya know?
  2. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    Just got off work, going to head to the shop soon, any last suggestions? :D
  3. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    Thanks for the replies but I gotta head back to work, be back with you guys in like 4 hours :P yipppieee!!!
  4. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    I know, Im going to need a shitload of soil when I decide to transplant, any preferences on some bomb soil? SHould I get some perlite as well? If so how do I mix it in, and what percents? 60 % soil 40 % perlite? Yeah I'm excited. Hope the same guy is in there when I go back. Hey I was also...
  5. ru8fru

    FIRST TIME GROW! wish me luck!

    lookin gorgeous, is that perlite in there? I really think you should get them outa those clear cups though. Getting kinda big, you should transplant them into some 1-3 Gallon pots soon. Props! :blsmoke:
  6. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    Yeah I looked at that, isnt that basically just a 400wat hps setup with a conversion bulb for MH? So you cant run the HPS and MH at the same time, thats basically why I really wanna use this Hortilux cause not only does it have all the Reds from the HPS but it has a shit load of blues and some...
  7. ru8fru

    Muffy D's Turbogarden Afghani/Strawberry Cough

    :) I should convince my g/f to do that :mrgreen:
  8. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    oh man I cant stop thinking about it. it got sooooo bright. its insanse. hopefully I can sleep with that puppy on :P. I gave u a reputation comment ganj father :O so you think I should probably pay cash for them?
  9. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    so you all think I should do it? It turned it on for me and its pretty effin sick!!!! :O
  10. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    lol just gotta post more messages basically, keep answering my questions :P... I think at 20 posts you move up a rank. Yeah the guy at the shop was really awesome, great personality and very helpful. He said that I could get a whole 400w HPS setup for like 175 If I took a Used ballast that he...
  11. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    good lookin out guys, im heading to the bank and then the garden store, wish me luck
  12. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    cool thanks alot for upping those pics, definitely helped me seeing it. so If I get a reflector like that, will I still need to get mylar film for my closet? Me and the g/f are heading to the garden store once we get out of the shower so ill let you know how it goes, woot...
  13. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    god im so excited!!!! should where do you think would be the best place to scope out a 400w hps setup? If I get the 400w hps setup should I put that in place of my T5 till I can get the MH? I hope he will still sell it to me. Also on more quesiton on the PH, do I ph the water right after I get...
  14. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    lol perfect, plug and play is the way to be. So if I do that then I can run my MH and then if I get say a 400 wat HPS setup I could run that at the same time and have MH and HPS on the babies?
  15. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    I think im still confused lol
  16. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    yeah using cash on everything would be nice. yeah Im not going to go that high in wattage, I wouldnt be able to control the heat and the increase on the elec. bill would make me nervous. So if i get my friends 250 ballast/fixture/whatever I can run a 250 MH in it? what would I need to make it...
  17. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    word.......... damn 10 char limit
  18. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    this is weird cause this setup for a 600 watt hps & mh setup is going for $319.26 with shipping Yet this one which is a 1000 watt mh and hps setup is going for $$ 312.75... Why would The bigger and better one be cheaper? Thats odd... will I even need this big of a setup, Im thinking not.
  19. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    when you say fixture that comes with a ballast as well right? so I saw one on there that is a 400wat hps and mh so does that run the hps and mh at the same time??? that would be sick. Or does it just do the thing you were talking about, can run the MH and then when I get into flowering I can...
  20. ru8fru

    Couple quick Questions

    hmmm yeah I guess ill just have to ask him, Ill have him bring it into work as well and just take a look at it, Im still kinda a noob though so yeah if you could post up some pics thatd be amazing. a complete 600 watt setup for 200 really? does that include shipping? cause thatd be pretty heavy...