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  1. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Yeah lots more. Wonder when I should start mixing in that new pk booster? Instructions were kinda non existent.
  2. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Damn thing stretched pretty good! All the tall ones are branches of stems that have been weaved in the screen.
  3. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Dude I'm out of shape. Haven't done a hard days work in like 8 years. Let alone two in a row. Almost half done. So much for a holiday weekend.
  4. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    I started putting new floor down today. Totally regretting it. Worked all day and only got one room ready to start. Carpet tack strips are a bitch! Those ring shank nails are impossible to remove. Thank god for pennywise cause I am sore. Been awhile since I've done flooring. Too much kneeling.
  5. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Yeah it's working good. Still want to try some other strains. Fricken electric bill was $198 this month with both cabinets running, air conditioning and been running dehumidifier cause it won't stop raining
  6. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    yep that was it. I forgot i turned it down when I was running the 400w MH.
  7. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    My last grow with the 600w got into the high 80s. Im not to worried and oh my god a lightbulb just went on.............ive got my fan on low right now. I forgot to turn it up when i flipped. DUH!
  8. selfmedicator462

    Too Many Plants in SCROG?

    been vegging around 4 weeks. I weave my stems in the screen till its almost full. When i flip to flower the stretch will fill in the rest of the screen.
  9. selfmedicator462

    Going off SSRI's

    my VA psychologist told me to quit effexor cold turkey!!! after 20 years of taking this type of shit...........COLD TURKEY!!! Idiots.
  10. selfmedicator462

    Going off SSRI's

    ive been on some sort of those pills for the past 20+ years for anxiety/panic/ptsd. I finally got sick of feeling like a zombie and decided to get off them. Its taken 3 different attempts to ween myself off them. Im finally down to 37mg of effexor twice a day. Now that ive found my Pennywise bud...
  11. selfmedicator462

    Too Many Plants in SCROG?

    in my little 4x4 grow room I ran 4 plants in 3 gallon pots and it was over crowded. Only got about 6 ounces off those 4 plants. I went to 1 3 gallon pot next run and ended up pulling over 10 ounces dry off that one plant. Went to a 5 gallon pot on this current run. Goal is a pound.
  12. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Temps have been around 92 today in the grow. Room temp around 74. I've been pumping the clone cabinets exhaust into the main grows intake to help keep the smell down. Might not b getting enough cool air. Keeping the clone cabinet at 74 though.
  13. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    yep they made good. Its on its way already with more samples. Great company.
  14. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Ya it did fill out and this one has filled the scree already so it will probably be super full. Got my nutes today and they shorted me a lb. I'm sure they will make it right. They sent me a sample of LIFE too.
  15. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    I went ahead and flipped today. Got a feeling it will be pretty full in the next couple weeks. This thing really grew this last week.
  16. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    oh no its not no where near legal here. I just said if it ever does ill go all in. Its probably 50 years down the road here. Too many really old politicians running shit
  17. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Had to do some more weaving today and trimmed my mom up.
  18. selfmedicator462

    Need some help on a portable VAPE

    I bought a gong adapter so I can use it with a bubbler Thing makes clouds for days. Im usually set on 5.
  19. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Oh duh I forgot I pulled 3 males. I'll probably flip this weekend. I've got the tops wove pretty good