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  1. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    And here it is an hour later!
  2. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    So this is what I woke up to this morning. I missed a feed yesterday somehow. Musta just spaced it. Hope it's ok.
  3. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    This thing is goin nuts! Even the stems I broke while supercroping are in good shape. Temps are 78 with 35% RH
  4. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    Shoulda flipped at 2 weeks!
  5. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    I might buy one. I'm curious of the actual numbers
  6. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    I need to buy a test kit and see what the thc/cbd numbers are. If this is the pheno that has the high cbd I'll keep running it. Otherwise I think I'll start looking for a different strain.
  7. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    She bounces back really quick after bending stems
  8. selfmedicator462

    400 or 600watt hps for 3x3x6.5 growtent

    I have a similar set up with 2 intakes and a 365 cfm exhaust fan. I run 400 for veg and 600hps for flower. My temps have been staying about 80 degrees when my temp outside the grow room is around 72. I noticed a huge difference in bud size/weight when I switched to the 600 from a 400hps
  9. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    I need to find a place to plant one outside just go see.
  10. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    It's wierd. I look at it one day and I have room to tuck then the next day it stretched 8"
  11. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    Major stretch! I flipped at 3.5 weeks. Maybe I should flip at 3. Did some super cropping. Hopefully everything will get enough light. Lots of tops again
  12. selfmedicator462

    Methotrexate and cannabis use

    So i was diagnosed with PsA or psoratic arthritis ontop of my PTSD and everything else I deal with and the doctor prescribed me methotrexate which is a chemotherapy drug but used in low doses to treat arthritis and psoriasis. Anybody have any experience with this stuff? It interacts with a ton...
  13. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    Not sure But it made a shit tone of smoke. I think the reason I'd didn't boil off yesterday was because of the water. I put it directly on the plate and it really cooked down. Ended up with 1.5oz or so. It's a lot darker now and as thick as veg oil.
  14. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    Word to the wise: don't set little vials on a hot plate to evaporate alcohol! It will come out the top!
  15. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    Shit sat all night and it still hasn't lost any volume. Might have to sit it on the hot plate. Haven't tried it yet. Maybe tomorrow. Kinda scared. Might just have to start really small and increase it every day.
  16. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    It's pretty thin. I left the caps off the bottles to try and evaporate some more off
  17. selfmedicator462

    Selfmedicator's 4th grow. TGA Pennywise from clone

    Got down to the last 3oz and it quit boiling/bubbling so I shut er down.