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  1. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Had to order more nutes and saw hydroponic research has a new product called "size". It's a pk booster with magnesium. Decided to try some this round. I did notice this plant is filling out the screen faster. I'm wondering if it's because of the 5 gallon pot. I'm on my fourth week of veg.
  2. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Maybe I found my calling! If it's ever legalized here I'll be setting up shop and cashing in. I did a lot of reading before I started. Like a solid year worth. Musta paid off.
  3. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Must be the nutes. Cause I'm not doing anything special
  4. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    It's a 5 gallon. I almost went 7. I haven't trimmed it yet. Should I just cut the tops off since you use the lower branches for clones?
  5. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Finally got the termite guy outta here Friday and my shits back to normal. Did a stealth op Thursday night hauling it all to the garage. All went ok. Broke one top trying to get it back under the screen. Mom has filled out my cabinet. Can I just keep topping and trimming to keep it small?
  6. selfmedicator462

    Best strains for anxiety?

    Im digging Pennywise right now.
  7. selfmedicator462

    Carbon filter FAIL - options?

    Get on ebay and order some carbon material. Dont get the pellet type. Get the crushed up kind. (more surface area). I drilled out the rivets on mine and dumped the old pellets and replaced it. Like night and day difference. Its pretty cheap and i have enough to replace it like 5 times.
  8. selfmedicator462

    Highest CBD Strain/Breeder

    TGA Subcools Pennywise is supposed to be around 13% THC 13% CBD. Running it for the second time. One plant yielded 10 ounces dry. I plan on trying CBD crews stuff in the future.
  9. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    HOLY SHIT! Dude you might have a problem. You should open your own seed shop. That thing was totally limp and about an hour after I watered her you couldnt even tell. Crazy how shit works.
  10. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Guess mom was thirsty! She musta drank a lot today
  11. selfmedicator462

    best online seed bank??

    Thank you!!!!
  12. selfmedicator462

    best online seed bank??

    Brilliant. Now they know exactly what to look for. Way to go.
  13. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    not yet. Ill probably try some CBD crew stuff. Plan on running this as long as I can since I have the mom now.
  14. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    mom looks better than the other plant under cfls. I went straight to the 5 gallon and probably should have potted up to a 2 or 3 gallon first. Takes awhile to dry out.
  15. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    made some honey with my sugar leaves yesterday. I didnt weigh it but it looks to be around 2 grams. First run is really dark and thick. Second is kinda pale. Used QWISO method. Now to find a guinea pig to try it. I still have my DQ/BC honey.
  16. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    well i have a problem. Termite guy needs in that room to drill holes in the foundation. He cant do it for 2 weeks so that buys me some time but Ill need to shut down my grow for a day. Meaning no fan and no lights. The clone cabinet I can move and keep my mom going but the plant in the big room...
  17. selfmedicator462

    Name some good high CBD strains

    Ive been readin up on CBD crew. They sound good.
  18. selfmedicator462

    Name some good high CBD strains

    Im currently running Pennywise for the second time. Produced 10 ounces from one plant. Supposed to be equal amounts of THC/CBD but i hear it depends on the pheno type and there are a few. Im just wondering if there are some better strains out there. I want something for anxiety, depression, pain...
  19. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    Guess i get my first real test as to how stealthy my shit is today.........termite guy is coming! Gonna put my mom in the big room and shut that cabinet down to get rid of that smell. Hopefully he wont want to poke around back there. Ill just keep that door locked and just say thats where I keep...
  20. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)

    potted my mom up today. They actually grow really well in this little cabinet. Smells a bit though. PC fan works good but its not strong enough to pull through a filter. My intake for the big fan is in the same room my clone cabinet is so it pulls some of the smelly air into my big grow room and...