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  1. selfmedicator462

    how are these looking?

    10 days under the HPS 12/12. Lots of growth. Lots of bud sites. 1200 ppm veg+bloom nutes. All ended up being females.
  2. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I think im done stuffing under the screen. Really dont have anywhere else for them to go. Ive got roughly 3 feet they can grow up now. Getting lots of bud sites. Trimming in my grow sucks cause of the screen and having to kneel on the floor. At this stage anyhow. Next grow ill make sure i trim...
  3. selfmedicator462

    Carbon Filter still smelly?

    just got done checking out my flex tubing in my grow room......everything is tight.
  4. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    almost 100% positive i have 3 females!! Getting lots of pistels showing now. I put a new vent on the outside of the house yesterday cause the old dryer vent flaps were constantly open so I went with a covered one that points down.....anyhow i could smell mj a little. I dont think i have any...
  5. selfmedicator462

    Carbon Filter still smelly?

    can anybody recommend some "refill" material or places to get it? I see tons on ebay but who knows the quality till you try to use it.
  6. selfmedicator462

    Carbon Filter still smelly?

    this is the one i bought
  7. selfmedicator462

    Carbon Filter still smelly?

    RH in my room is only 30% so I doubt thats it. I ordered it from ebay. I forget the brand but yeah i was trying to save a buck. I might just buy some quality replacement carbon and refill it. Ive heard to stay away from coconut shell carbon? that true?
  8. selfmedicator462

    Carbon Filter still smelly?

    Ive been using my 6"x16" scrubber for like 3 months now and I was outside by the vent today and could smell my grow. I mean I had to stick my nose by the vent to smell it but there is a hint of mj. Is this normal for filters or did I buy a crappy one? It came in a sealed bag so I dont think the...
  9. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for all your help. It's made the process a lot easier.
  10. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I think i have 3 female TGA Dairy Queens! I thought the pics were better but they all look like the first one. I trimmed all the under brush. Hindsight i probably should have done that weeks ago. I bumped my nutes up to 850ppm on tuesday and they seemed to handle it pretty good. Ill shoot for...
  11. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Do I need to trim the lower branches?
  12. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I really like the veg+bloom nutes. So fricken easy. Once I figured out I needed to ph my water/nutes at 6.9 to end up 6.0ish when I checked run off they really grew.
  13. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    So here they are. Still pretty early and the pics are not the best. Im leaning towards females.
  14. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    They are already showing preflowers after the dark period. Two look like females but not sure about the third DQ. Still early tho.
  15. selfmedicator462

    how are these looking?

    Left em in the dark for 36 hours and turned on the HPS this morning.
  16. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Left em in the dark for 36 hours and turn on the HPS today.
  17. selfmedicator462

    SCROG small grow space

    you might want to run a cool tube instead of that reflector in a box that small. I run a 400w cool tube in a 3x3x5 foot room and my temps are about 76 degrees when the outside temps are 70. I have a good fan on the tube too. Without it by room would be too hot to grow.
  18. selfmedicator462

    how are these looking?

    Going to flip on Saturday. When the light shuts off today ill leave it off till then. Then its 12/12. They are consuming alot of water now. Pretty much all touching the screen now.
  19. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Pretty much all the DQs are in the screen now. They are drinking alot of water now. When the light shuts off tonight ill leave it off till Saturday morning then run em 12/12.
  20. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    I want to take clones but I'm not sure if they will out grow my little box before I'm done harvesting the other batch. 6 weeks in the little cabinet might be pushing it