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  1. selfmedicator462

    What size container? 4x4 600w scrog coco

    I've been using 3 gallon super roots air pots in the same sized room. Did 4 first grow but went down to one this grow.....I think I'm going to yield more with one than the four. Next grow I'm going to a single 5 gal smart pot. Check out my journals to see what I'm talking about. The one plant...
  2. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Ive read so many conflicting posts about the colors. One "expert" says only cloudy. If you see amber you went too long. Others say 50/50. others 10%. Im just going to guess at it. Probably going to harvest early this week.
  3. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Checking with the lights off is the ONLY way to go! Im seeing amber. Its not 50/50 but its definetly amber. Not sure how much longer to let them go. Just gonna keep checking them daily. I actually saw a big bead of resin on one bud just ooosing out.
  4. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    It's just weird cause I've never seen it here till I started growing.
  5. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    I spotted some amber trichs today. Ill keep checking but ill probably let it go a few more days. Like maybe mid week at least. Ill do some more smelling tonight. Not nearly as strong as that DQ. More of a minty smell i think. This is kinda strange. I mowed last night and noticed my lawn is...
  6. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Took a pic with the light off. Clones are showing some new growth finally.
  7. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Yeah they are tight. Not really showing any amber yet. Hard to tell with the light on. I've been trying to block the light with a piece of cardboard as I look thru the magnifier. It helps.
  8. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Week 6 and 2 days. Looking good still. Mostly clear/cloudy trics. Buds really filled out nicely though. Should yield good this time. Gonna leave sugar leaves on cause they are FULL.
  9. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Coulda sworn I read to stick the stems 1/4" in the water. Musta said above.
  10. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Well that was the problem cause I had em in the water. Oops.
  11. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    So I did my nightly checks and decided I was going to toss the clones out and I noticed something white sticking out of the foam inserts. They rooted!! Up in the foam though. Not on the bottom of the stem. Not sure why. I went ahead and transplanted 2 of them. One rotted and the other didnt root.
  12. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Not showing anything. I may dump the res and start with fresh tap.
  13. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Not sure what to do with the clones. Water temps around 85. Air temp 82. RH 30s. PH 5.8 give or take. I might try and take a few clones when I harvest to see if I can root them.
  14. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    I didn't know if it would get some disease with the bottom staying wet.
  15. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    I just thought maybe the bottom would stay wet if it was flat on the floor.
  16. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    All I need is one healthy one. I got some 5 gallon smart pots coming for the next run. Should I elevate them on some sort of mesh grate or something? My airpots the bottom is actually an inch off the floor for drainage.
  17. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Ph keeps rising to about 6.7. Got everything trimmed up but I think ill be down to 3 clones. Not much green left on the tall one. My RH was only high 30s low 40s so I put the dome back on. Should help hold the heat in as well.
  18. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    couple of them are showing some life. PH was up to 6.2. Couple drops of down and it was back in range. Temp is holding right at 80.
  19. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Got the temp up to 78 in just a couple hours