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  1. P

    First time grow

    Oh ok that make sense, they’re pretty well train when I take them out to water them they look a lot more even and tabletop like but when I put them back in the tent theyre cramped by that humidifier so it makes the branches look more uneven and is definitely making it harder for them to grow any...
  2. P

    First time grow

  3. P

    First time grow

    I am growing gdp in happy frog soil using fox farm trio as the main nutrients and am using the spider farm 1000 light and 2 by 3 grow tent. Recently posted because I was having a problems with my plant and was pretty sure I had it narrowed down to a ph problem with my soil. I had done a flush...
  4. P

    Need help

    I do remember reading that actually about the epsom salt but totally spaced it when I ordered more nutrients and ended up getting the cal mag instead cus that’s what I originally had in my kind before I read about the epsom salt. Will definitely remember for next time. Good to know that was what...
  5. P

    Need help

    Is that basically cal-mag? Cus I just ordered that and a few other things for my plants this weekend should be here Saturday
  6. P

    Need help

    I have a soil probe it’s just one of the cheaply ones but when I feed with ph around 5 the run off is always way higher than that so I figured that kinda lines up with my soil ph being high. Keep in mind this has just been the case the last few times while I’ve been trying to fix the soil ph...
  7. P

    Need help

    Oh with my soil ph being so high I’ve been feeding with the ph being around 5 to try and bring it down is that bad? Oops...
  8. P

    Need help

    They’re 7 gallon pots so a gallon should be good and yes it’s been super helpful thank you so much! These plants have been in veg for forever now with the ups and downs of my mistakes I’m really just trying to get them healthy enough so I can go to flower but I think I’m a ways off from that
  9. P

    Need help

    I’m using fox farm trio. So when I do a feeding make enough with the fertilizer that I get about a gallon of run off is that a gallon per plant or combined?
  10. P

    Need help

    I was issuing distilled water for a while but that got old fast. I’ve been using tap water that I let sit out for a day or so before using. The light is spider farmer 1000 led light I just have a small 2X3 spider farmer grow tent setup
  11. P

    Need help

    Usually they take a few days to dry I flushed them a few days ago to try and adjust ph waited till they dried out and a couple days ago gave them a small feeding now that the ph is better. It goes down to about 6.8 when I water them then as it dries the ph rises which I read is normal the soil...
  12. P

    Need help

    Mainly happy frog but when I repotted them I didn’t have quite enough happy frog to fill the containers so I took a small amount of some other potting mix I had on hand I’m not sure what brand it was or if that’s what threw of the ph. It wasn’t much but I mixed it with the happy frog and my...
  13. P

    Need help

    this is my first grow and I’ve made all the rookie mistakes I live in a very dry climate humidity has been a problem as well as me being a worry wart and overwatering that stunted growth and extended veg state but I got everything under control for the most part and was making a good recovery...