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    Could someone help me sex my plants?

    Thanks man... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was actually starting to get attached to that plant xD. He is one of the first plants I grew (albeit he is pretty worthless...). I'm sure most people would laugh, but I sort of feel like I'm putting down my dog or something xD lmao!!! ok maybe...
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    Could someone help me sex my plants?

    ok... Yeah, he's still a youngling... I was thinking of maybe picking off the leaves and making cannabis butter, but you're probably right, Filthy. The THC content is probably close to piss lol. I guess I'm just gonna chop him and throw him away :/. So sad... I felt like he had such great...
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    Could someone help me sex my plants?

    ah ok thanks, but to my original question, is there any way I can get some hash or something out of him? Or would it be so minuscule that it wouldn't be worth the effort?
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    Could someone help me sex my plants?

    aw man :/. Does that means he's useless? Can I still cook him or something? lol
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    Could someone help me sex my plants?

    I'm not sure if they are male or a female because it's hard to tell without a magnifying lens or a detailed manual. I was reading online and comparing pictures, and I think the tall, skinny plant is most likely a male because of the "ball and stick" clusters of preflower... although they might...
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    Need some advice on my current setup

    Ok so I am going to try to make a trip to walmart sometime this week, and I am also going to pick up some bigger pots for my plants. How big should my pots be? On average, they'll probably end up being about a foot tall or so, right? Also, I just checked and I think the roots are not tangled :)...
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    Need some advice on my current setup

    thanks you guys. I think I will end up replanting them. Even if one dies, its better than losing 3. I will also buy another grow light and a cheap fan from Walmart. Is there anything else that might help? And should I add fertilizer to the soil? in the pot i have right now, I added some miracle...
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    Need some advice on my current setup

    Also just wanted to add that I'm only growing this for myself, so I'm not super concerned with these first guys getting super big or anything. I was just trying to learn how it works. If I don't want a huge amount and I'm just looking to get a decent amount for myself, could I just let them grow...
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    Need some advice on my current setup

    Ah man ok so I guess I screwed up by planting 4 plants in one pot. Its a special kind of pot though... there are 4 4 permeable holes on the bottom that open up into a special water reservoir. I think it's sort of like a hydroponics system.... I water it from a hole on the bottom... should I...
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    Need some advice on my current setup

    Hey everyone. This is my first time growing cannabis. So far, everything has gone remarkably well. My plants are less than 3 weeks old now and are growing bigger each day :). I'm not too familiar with strains, but I believe the original seeds are from a California Sour diesel plant. Currently, I...