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  1. Bsmoke78

    Problems at 3 weeks in

    As soon as my seedlings put there second leaf out I put them in there permanent home less stress
  2. Bsmoke78

    Problems at 3 weeks in

    I would move into permanent home
  3. Bsmoke78

    Problems at 3 weeks in

    I would get ready to take them out of those cups and is there holes in bottom and of cup?
  4. Bsmoke78

    seeds won't germinate

    I stick in water until split then in paper towel put on plate then on heating pad usually a day never have a issue just have to mist every once in awhile
  5. Bsmoke78

    new plants, leaf troubles

    Get it out of that cup eating itself
  6. Bsmoke78

    Flowering Phase help!

    Let’s see whole plant?
  7. Bsmoke78

    Flowering Phase help!

    I think you should have been feeding already if you ask me, yes that soil has food but to get real buds gotta feed her and your 2 weeks into flowering she is starving
  8. Bsmoke78


    That’s what they need a comfy home not naked, Get better fan if worried about mold. I trimmed a little under growth on mine but at very bottom And they are thick and loving it just have to have air flowing
  9. Bsmoke78

    Yellowing all around, room to recover?

    That last photo on bottom looks like potassium deficiency
  10. Bsmoke78

    Rusty colored spots

    Potassium deficiency maybe
  11. Bsmoke78

    Rusty colored spots

    Maybe bump nights up I never go below 70 and never over 78
  12. Bsmoke78

    Germination/Seedling Help

    A little extra soil around the lady
  13. Bsmoke78

    Good week

    Hey guys just wanted to say to RIU members have great week and great grow!
  14. Bsmoke78

    Plant DR NEEDED!!! What's causing this

    If you can grow a plant and not have some discoloring or something your the GOD of weed
  15. Bsmoke78

    First time mainlining

    Yea wattzzup is right, I don’t think you have 3 more weeks of veg in that tent
  16. Bsmoke78

    Do my baby’s look happy

    I use everytime for first week or so never had a issue but everybody has own flavor, but yes mostly for clones and for babies outdoor
  17. Bsmoke78

    Do my baby’s look happy

    I use clear plastic tomato container from grocery
  18. Bsmoke78

    Do my baby’s look happy

    No nutes yet
  19. Bsmoke78

    SF Autoflower Outdoor 2021

    80 in day right now
  20. Bsmoke78

    SF Autoflower Outdoor 2021
