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  1. Bsmoke78

    Growth questions.

    Feed her
  2. Bsmoke78

    Dilemma - help! Chop or wait?

    Very nice plant good job bro
  3. Bsmoke78

    Getting Anxious Zskittles Auto

    What happened to all her leafs she is naked
  4. Bsmoke78

    Problem 2week

    At that age over 2 ft but do you have airflow and other grow info
  5. Bsmoke78

    Problem 2week

    Need more info soil,light etc
  6. Bsmoke78

    Purple fan leaves?

    Wouldn’t worry to much just watch look nice
  7. Bsmoke78

    Mystery plant!.?.

    Upgrade your light and fimm more and your good they look healthy the one in back definitely was treated better lol
  8. Bsmoke78

    Mystery plant!.?.

    Don’t want those huge gaps between nodes, plant is reaching for Jesus
  9. Bsmoke78

    Tiny Plant Stopped Growing

    Look like bowl of old ass cereal
  10. Bsmoke78

    Mystery plant!.?.

  11. Bsmoke78

    Mystery plant!.?.

    That needs to stay with plant not just with middle, next I would fimm it top the shit out of them you got space
  12. Bsmoke78

    Mystery plant!.?.

    Better light , the way you top or fimm ,lst, everyone has different likes got to figure out which is best for you and your grow area and sry I would say to late for this one just finish out still going to get some smoke
  13. Bsmoke78

    Purple fan leaves?

    What strain?
  14. Bsmoke78

    Purple fan leaves?

    Look great, What is your temp maybe a little cool that’s why your getting that purp effect or strain
  15. Bsmoke78

    new timer

    Going to have to stop smoking save that money for a month or two make grow worth it instead half ass also, but these guys are good listen
  16. Bsmoke78

    Mystery plant!.?.

    The stretch is already out of control lol
  17. Bsmoke78


    Did you top it or fimm
  18. Bsmoke78


    Blurple needs to go for photo and take side shot and would say no to trimming anything at this point unless needed
  19. Bsmoke78

    Mature Plant With Yellowing Leaves

    Maybe take ph up to 6.8ish and yeah I would guess 2-3weeks
  20. Bsmoke78

    How much to expect

    Like a 8th sry