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  1. Bsmoke78

    Nutrients for soil grows

    On week 5, using worm castings and bat guano and going to add a bloom boost this week
  2. Bsmoke78

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    No the pots dry out fast for me
  3. Bsmoke78

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    The grow pots is that what your talking about?
  4. Bsmoke78

    Are my plants ok

    Sour Diesel at 5 weeks
  5. Bsmoke78

    Are my plants ok

    Way to small for that age, What is lighting, soil?
  6. Bsmoke78

    Are my plants ok

    They are very sad :(
  7. Bsmoke78

    Yellow and burnt leaves

    Never was a fan of those but I agree with smokin away, maybe a good flush first
  8. Bsmoke78

    A lot of under growth

    Yeah fashoo
  9. Bsmoke78

    A lot of under growth

    Yeah just started 8 gorilla glues and 2 Sour diesels outside in 20 gallon pots no more room for them :(
  10. Bsmoke78

    A lot of under growth

    Yea the watering I’m fine with and the fan is always going, just thick and thought more light penetration.
  11. Bsmoke78

    A lot of under growth

    Awesome going to do that tomorrow, thanks guys
  12. Bsmoke78

    Please help no smell the two on the right is 75 weeks in to flower ph 6.2 H 45 T 85

    Got 3 Sour Diesels on first week of flowering and they stink, rurumo is right about Diesels but some just don’t get stinky
  13. Bsmoke78

    My auto flower is too small and already started flowering

    Needed more light small for 5 weeks
  14. Bsmoke78

    A lot of under growth

    I have a lot of under growth curious if I should trim some back? It looks good first time growing indoor normally grow outside gorilla grows and let it ride didn’t know if I should trim and let more air flow.
  15. Bsmoke78

    Grow heights

    Yeah they got some pretty fat branches, going to keep eye on that
  16. Bsmoke78

    Grow heights

    Appreciate it that’s what it was thinking about topping to much stress, I will definitely do the LST thanks again
  17. Bsmoke78

    Time to harvest, or maganese def?

    Fashion Autos are tricky sometimes flush should be good
  18. Bsmoke78

    Started flowering yeah

    Started flowering 3 Sour Diesel very excited, first indoor grow can’t wait for turn out
  19. Bsmoke78

    Time to harvest, or maganese def?

    Still got a lot white hairs but you definitely got some kind of Nute problem, and you needed more light it looks like colas reached. Don’t know just my opinion. Hope works out!