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  1. Bsmoke78

    I am not sure what to do

    No more head space?
  2. Bsmoke78

    I am not sure what to do

    It looks pretty tight in there on that last photo
  3. Bsmoke78


    Just started some patio light has 200 watt led in it for outdoor ladies
  4. Bsmoke78

    Are that ready please help 10 weeks inn

    Agree 100%
  5. Bsmoke78

    Plant issues.

    I know you’re going to have issue with those middle cola taking off away from group way to much, and can you take close ups
  6. Bsmoke78

    Are these plants ready to flower,

    Agree they ready
  7. Bsmoke78

    Week 3ish flower cheese

    Way to early :|
  8. Bsmoke78

    (?) purple / dark spot marks on sugar leaves - outdoor (wk 4, flower)

    Still got a lot of white showing got a while still
  9. Bsmoke78

    Flowering nicely

    Hey my ladies are doing good had one that dropped a little she just needed a little more drink. Let me know guys if you see anything wrong would appreciate it.
  10. Bsmoke78

    What’s your setup?

    Split my guest room in half with black tarp double layer from floor to ceiling, got my exhaust hoses out window neighbors are cool the like smell and we are on private road. Cost me under a hundred to set up made room about 5x12 plants are digging it
  11. Bsmoke78

    Update! First Grow week one of flower complete!

    Love the tomato trellis Definitely going to steal that from you lol good job looks healthy
  12. Bsmoke78

    First ever grow on the cheap

    Me and wife tried different cuts on 3 plants all turned out great, I cut mine short as it gives me more colas, plant with shortest cut has about 18 cola sites, med cut had about 15, and long cut got about 11
  13. Bsmoke78

    Setup help: 600W LED + AC Infinity T6 and heat issues

    I’m running hisense portable ac with exhaust pipe out window in my 5x10 / 3-2000 watt Samsung led, temp steady at 78. Can get my lights about 18” off plant
  14. Bsmoke78

    Need help with some Q's. Auto watering, humidity, and venting the grow room

    Not at house right now but I just cut out a foam insert to hold fan hose and I have a portable hisense ac that I cut a hole for its exhaust, will take pic when can
  15. Bsmoke78

    plant look heathy?

    Looks great good job
  16. Bsmoke78

    Aquarium Based Grow Room?

    I wouldn’t for multiple reasons, mold, no air flow, and yes they will out grow
  17. Bsmoke78

    Need help with some Q's. Auto watering, humidity, and venting the grow room

    Sounds good I got a 4” exhaust fan my space is slightly smaller but not much. Auto water I don’t mess with sry