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  1. N

    Got a free plant woo hoo! Is it ready?

    I dont know him well but i do know him just met him thru work a few times and have talked about growing with him... He said its his last year growing and he dint smoke no more and asked if i wanted a plant
  2. N

    Got a free plant woo hoo! Is it ready?

    Really stuff outside tastes horrible?
  3. N

    Got a free plant woo hoo! Is it ready?

    All i knew is he grew outside
  4. N

    Got a free plant woo hoo! Is it ready?

    Idek what it is barely knew the dude but wasnt gonna say no
  5. N

    Got a free plant woo hoo! Is it ready?

    Lmk to cut or not to cut
  6. N

    Got a free mature plant never harvested cured or dryed tips?

    Got her what do u think a few more days or cop down?
  7. N

    Cloning in late veg

    From almost a complete stranger btw lol felt like christmas
  8. N

    Cloning in late veg

    Ok jw got a almost fully mature plant today and love the note of strawberry cream ots giving off trying to keep this strain
  9. N

    Cloning in late veg

    Do you have to put you clones back into veg or can u keep them in flower?
  10. N

    Got a free mature plant never harvested cured or dryed tips?

    Will post tomorrow no plant yet.. He said its not that big but super stinky
  11. N

    Got a free mature plant never harvested cured or dryed tips?

    Well hes been growing for a loooong time so i do trust him that there a little over ripe since he grows outside and we live in ohio its getting pretty late in the season here
  12. N

    Got a free mature plant never harvested cured or dryed tips?

    My friend ill call him stony for this post, is a gentlemen who is higher up in age. He recently stopped smoking he still had plants growing however. Today he told me i could have one but there a little past prime and im getting it generally educated on drying and curing but have...
  13. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    Whats the cheapest you could grow a full size plant with? 600w hid?
  14. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    How about one of these?
  15. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    First off i didn't buy this seed... Found it in a bag of glookies... I plan on growing out doors but just wanted a cheap way to grow a lil plant for some practice and that's not the only light there is 3 more in the room... Thats not a bad price either but trying to grow to save money lol thank...
  16. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    How did it work for you... Was it eneugh for a whole plant or just supplemental?.... I feel like all the 1st grows on here are waaaay better than mine lol
  17. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    That's actually not too bad of a price... Would that grow a plant ita whole life?
  18. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    Thanks man i appreciate all amd amy help... When i do thing i normally do pretty good and im very excited about doing this grow quest thats been on my mind a while looking forward to building my greenhouse and going wild in tje summer
  19. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    I thought it would be too intense if i put them right above but ill listen to u lol i never grew anything but doing a lot of research and diving in head first already started worm farming and making dry amendments myself... Like i said just learning on this one dont care about yeilds so much...
  20. N

    Need help first grow pics!

    They barelly put off any heat at all