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  1. carsunltd32

    Time to put in pots?

    Hey guys! So I put these ladies into the solo cups August 6th. Is it time to transplant them? Thanks!
  2. carsunltd32

    Seeking Watering Question

    Lol I said what I was doing and asked to be corrected. What’s the point of a forum if it’s not for questions?
  3. carsunltd32

    Seeking Watering Question

    I’ll try to hold back on the watering lol If they are in solo cups now, when should I transplant? I have 1, 3, and 5 gallon fabric pots ready to go. I was thinking maybe changing from the solo to a 1 gallon pot didn’t make sense and go straight to the 3 gallon? Cut down on transplanting?
  4. carsunltd32

    Seeking Watering Question

    Awesome. I’m hoping this will fix the issue. Let them breathe then water until there is a bit of runoff once soil looks dry?
  5. carsunltd32

    Seeking Watering Question

    The plants are sitting on an upside down metal mesh basket with the pan on the floor to catch any runoff so there is a lot of breathing room
  6. carsunltd32

    Seeking Watering Question

    I took the second cup off and put a pan under all of the cups. I am going to wait for them to get drier before I water them. When I water them I will wait for a bit of run off to come out of the holes on the bottom of the cups. Is that a good plan? Thanks for all the help!
  7. carsunltd32

    Seeking Watering Question

    Hey everyone! So this is my first grow and everything has been going great. A few days ago I was worried I had gnats so I let the soil get a little drier than usual to make sure there was nothing crawling in the soil. Anyway, no gnats and went back to my normal watering schedule. After that day...
  8. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    I only give them about 10 sprays from a sprayer and the wilting started the day after I skipped a watering. I never get run off like you do I’m thinking it’s not enough water and evaporated before it has a chance to get to the bottom of the cup but I know over and underwatering look almost the same
  9. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    For some reason the wilting continues. Not sure what I’m doing wrong
  10. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    You have run off even with seedlings? I think the perlite to soil ratio is around 30%
  11. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    I had just watered before I took the pic. The soil was definitely dry when I got into the tent (starting to separate from solo cup) this morning. Normally I water them 2 times a day (especially when it’s hot) but since I was worried about bugs I decided to skip a watering yesterday morning...
  12. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Ok. I will wait for another week or 2. Plant doesn’t seem to be gettin worse and soil looks like there is nothing crawling around in it so I guess it was my screw up. Toned back on watering and I think I toned back a little to much. One of the ladies got a little droopy over night...
  13. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    I was thinking maybe as a precaution spraying some neem oil and putting a 1-2” layer of perlite. Is that a good preventative measure?
  14. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    I have the screen from the window of the shed and panty hose over the intakes. The weather isn’t normally that hot right now, should be low 80’s during the day. I was worried about the heat but the plants have been growing by leaps and bounds and look great.
  15. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Thanks! Yea both intakes are passive pulling from the outside (shed air is too hot and barely moving). The temps aren’t bad. There are some days that got up to low 90’s in the tent (outside temps were the same). The carbon filter is on currently.
  16. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Well the light wasn’t initially meant for the seedlings but that’s it’s job for now. It was purchased for veg and flowering. This one pulls about 235w from the wall. For now this is more than they need, but I am doing some research to add some Quantum Board LEDs to my current setup. I am working...
  17. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Currently 1 King Plus 1200w (I know they aren’t popular) for the seedling stage. Going to be adding some Quantum Boards when in veg.
  18. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Thank you! I must admit I am excited for everything. Posting up a could pics. I’m proud of the babies.
  19. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Got it. Will this stunt it’s growth now?
  20. carsunltd32

    Noob Question!

    Wow it’s that sensitive? If it’s that will it hinder the growth?