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  1. carsunltd32

    Will these clones make it?

    Cutting dead leaves or branches off won’t shock it more?
  2. carsunltd32

    Will these clones make it?

    Sorry about that. Pic didn’t load in my last post
  3. carsunltd32

    Will these clones make it?

    I was gifted these clones about a week ago. They have great genetics and my friend that gave me these is an amazing grower. They were in a hydro system before and I transplanted to soil. They haven’t done much (or any) vertical growth. I’m guessing the roots are attempting to establish...
  4. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

  5. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Ok so I did the slurry rest and all comes back good around 6.8. New growth seems to be growing much better now. I will be doing another round of spray with cal-mag tomorrow. I’m hoping this will fix the issue especially because I was dumb with the deionized water and didn’t supp with cal-mag...
  6. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Got it. Doing that today!
  7. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Looks like it’s def Calcium and Magnium deficiency. Did a foliar spray yesterday just before the lights went out since I don’t have to water yet. Things are looking a bit sad right now but I’m hoping it will bounce back in a few days. Should I give them a spray everyday or just once every few...
  8. carsunltd32

    Purple Stems

    This seems like something is wrong. I’m not 100% but they seem a bit more droopy than usual. The purple is only on old leaves. Also as I’ve been reading everyone that uses RO water us d a cal-mag supp and deionized water is similar to RO water so I’m guessing it has to be treated similarly...
  9. carsunltd32

    Purple Stems

    So last night I noticed the older growth the stems look like they are turning purple. It seems to be effecting most of the plants at the same time I’ve done a bunch of reading and some people say it’s normal, some say it’s from environment and some say cal-mag is needed. These plants were...
  10. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Here are some pics. Seems to be only on older growth
  11. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    So far no nutes and ph is usually around 7
  12. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    I noticed a couple stems are purple. There are a lot of contradictions online so I’m not sure if I should be worried or not. Just installed some much better lighting in the tent. Not sure if that’s the cause? I also ready it could be since I use deionized water the plant needs some cal-mag. Any...
  13. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    I got worried lol
  14. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Ball sacks or not yet?
  15. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Sorry about the color I had to take a quick pic and run out. This happened over night and the temp was around 72F currently it’s around 77F. These plants have dealt with 90F before with no issues.
  16. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Last night I did some LST and FIM on the ladies. This morning many of them seem to be canoeing. Is it from the FIM? I know humidity is high around 75-80% right now. Any ideas?
  17. carsunltd32

    Tribus Original - has anyone used?

    Giving it a shot for this grow. The 100mL bottle should be fine for this grow and possibly have left over
  18. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Started doing some LST on the 2 larger plants. Pulled the main stem down last night and the side leaves were already going crazy this morning. I just continue to pull parts of the plant down to keep the canopy uniform?
  19. carsunltd32

    Leaf discoloration

    Do you think LST and topping is the best for a first timer? I’m guessing not training them is a bad idea as far as the yield goes.
  20. carsunltd32

    Tribus Original - has anyone used?

    Just got my 100mL bottle in the mail and I’ve heard some pretty great things about this stuff. Has anyone here ever used it before and have you noticed any difference?