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  1. M

    Day 53/Flower 20 What do you guys think?

    so far so good. keep up the good work!
  2. M

    Growing for the first time

    if you only want to grow two or three plants a small grow box will do you fine. check out they have everything you need but seeds at decent prices. for seeds i use .Besides lighting and ventalation you are going to need at least one timer for the light and...
  3. M


    Yep, about a 1/2 half from lake michigan.
  4. M

    help with online seed shops....!!

    I used he has a good selection of breeders and strains to pick from.
  5. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    Hey all just a few new picks the flowering ones are about 6 weeks into flower. The non flowering bushes are my mother plants and the little ones are my new clones.
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    everything looks nice to me, I wouldn't worry about the discoloration at the bottom thats normal as you get close to harvest, just make sure its only the bottoms ones and if it gets to bad and starts to discolor all the way up you need to feed them unless you are flushing before harvest then...
  7. M

    How many plants fit in homebox s

    depends on your preferred grow method if you do a small sog you can get about 24 of them in there. If you want to grow big plants you can do 6-9.
  8. M

    Christians: Whats your take on Romans 13 ?

    the church in any form has never and will never save a single soul!! only the true Lord God incarnate Jesus Christ can save your soul. i am a devote Christian and follow the word of the Lord to the best of my ability, but as it has been said before faith in Christ as divine savior that died for...
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    How many plants fit in homebox s

    what are the dimensions?
  10. M

    This Hps bulb blows me down

    I had the same problem with my 400 watt bulb from htg, blew after about 3 weeks(twice) Tony replaced the bulb the first time and the whole unit the second time.
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    any plant friendly insect cures?

    praying mantises are good for bug killing also make cool little garden pets.
  12. M

    Veg clone is flowering, oops, advice?

    just leave the lights on 24/7 and it will turn back to veg in a couple of days to a couple of weeks.(can take up to 3 or 4 weeks sometimes).
  13. M

    Am i an idiot? (jiffy pellets/germination)

    as long as you didn't damage the tap root you'll be fine.
  14. M

    Questions... Questions... Questions...

    yeah thats perfect size for your 400 watter. that's what i use and my flower room is 3.5' wide 2' deep and 7' high and works great, my last harvest(first with 400watter, was using a 250watter before) I averaged 2 o's per plant with three weeks veg.
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    400 watt hps or CFL'S

    i love fox farm's nutes
  16. M

    I think I F-up big time.

    looks good put in back in you room right before the lights go off, it should be ok just watch it to make sure it doesn't hermie on you.
  17. M

    1 or 4 plants per square ft? Sea of Green

    what he said is lsting and your right about lollipopping, and donkey dick is a strain.
  18. M

    can i use a 200w e40 envirolight in a 400w hps ballast??

    bad idea major fire hazard, the bulb could blow up for having too much juice pumping into it.
  19. M

    how does such a good plant turn to shwagg/dirt?

    a lot of the quality comes from the dna of the seed, but that being said even a seed out of a bad bag can turn out to be decent(probally not flame) if you give the best care you can.
  20. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    thanks for the comments guys!! even with the clones that died I still have what I need. I am only going to run four plants next cycle because thats all I think I can fit in there with my bush of a mother flowering in there. I have already fimmed my church clone so it will bush out as well and...