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  1. M

    GHS NL#5 x Haze Mist 25 clone SOG

    sorry to here about you plants my friend.
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    Church and Cheese Grow

    here some pics of my ladies flowering they are 3 weeks six days in. the smallest one that isn't the one clone is 42" the clone is 32 inches and tallest one i had to bend over because its already 54 inches. I have a batch of clones coming I just repotted four of them but to are now dead, I...
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    high grade

    i done both and think for taste and quality go soil, for time and yield go hydro.
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    Attn all vetrans!! What would you do?

    unless you know of some small diameter 5 gallon pots that are really tall, if you do know nodrama please point me the direction of where I could get them because I would switch my next cycle.
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    Attn all vetrans!! What would you do?

    No drama how on earth are you going to fit 9 five gallon buckets in there? one five gallon bucket is at least l4 inches in diameter that would mean you would need at least 42" x 42".
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    Considering a grow tent- size vs number of plants + lighting

    when your get done with cfls i would go with a 400 watter hps/mh (and a cool tube if you have heat issues).
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    Considering a grow tent- size vs number of plants + lighting

    my flower room is roughly 40" x 24" x 84" and I put six in there no problem.
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    Mailboxes Etc & Prepaid visa card - Who does this?

    i use prepaid cc to order seeds online, you just need to get one that is not re-loadable then they don't usually need any info just have them activated at the register at the store you buy it from. Read the back of the gift card before you buy it to make sure you don't have to register it. as...
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    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    sorry for you bad luck, i wouldn't try to screw even though he deserves it because he could turn on you quick and you will be one that being hauled away in pretty metal bracelets. Best thing you can do is try to explain to him how he is not only screwing you but also himself, ever time he...
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    Attn all vetrans!! What would you do?

    six plants, ten inch pots(at least two gallons), with your height constraints I would top or lst. Your set up will be similar to mine in size and the same wattage. Check out my grow journal in the signature. Peace and Good Luck.
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    an ordinary person trying to learn something new

    most of the quality is the dna, that being said you can make a difference with the lights and your set-up but your never going to get good flame with weak genetics.
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    Help with Problems!!!!!

    need more info about your set up to give you any help. what kind of lights, nutes, temps, soil, etc...
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    how far from top of plant 250watt HPS?

    you should not have to have your light 20 inches away unless you have major heat problems. I keep my 400 watter that isn't in a cool tube about 8 eight inches from the tops of my plants. Use your hand to tell if you put your hands over your plants and the heat from the light makes your hand...
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    How much area can I light with my 400W HPS?

    my closet is about the same size as yours and I split into two rooms (3.5ft by 2ft by 7ft for flower, and 4.5ft by 2ft by 7ft for my mothers and vegging) and use a 400 watter in each room. so if you want to cover the whole area you will need to get two 400 watters and put one on each side of...
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    how do they look

    looking good how did you veg for?
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    Metal haulides vs cfl

    personally I would go with a lower wattage mh if electric use is a concern. Your going to get better results with 175 mh than a 175 watts of t5s. you can get a 175 watter for like a 100 dollars at High Tech Garden Supply
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    somebody who had nor.light or purple haze

    I would think you should be able to fix at least nine in there. I have six in my room and its 3.5ft by 2ft by 7ft.
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    Space Queen (TGA) Day 16 of 12/12

    looks healthy, is it a sativa?
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    Descision Time: What light to buy

    what kind of 600 watter did you buy. I have two 400 watters now one for flower and one for veg but I want to get a 600 watter for flowering.
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    Need LOTS of info

    it sounded to me like when you said you would like to grow hydro(or just some great kindbud/nuggets) that you think hydro is a strain not a growing method. I could certainly be misunderstanding what you meant I just ask because there are a lot of people out here that sell HYDRO like it is a...