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  1. Fish Weed

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    Here are a few pics of my setup with new LED setup.
  2. Fish Weed

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    New LED arrived yesterday, got it up and running tonight, going to keep an eye on the temps over the next few hours, I took my cfl rig out, going to have work something out for later for side lighting using some cfls. I have some time before she's big enough to need it though.
  3. Fish Weed

    LEO HWY Shakedowns K9 Interdiction Stings and You.....

    Your welcome. Like I said if you have something specific just ask, I'll try to answer it the best I can.
  4. Fish Weed

    Botanicare Free Samples

    Do you need a special link or is it someplace on their website? I checked there and didn't see anything on the site or under their promotions section. Wouldn't mind trying them out for a grow, I know some people swear by this product.
  5. Fish Weed

    LEO HWY Shakedowns K9 Interdiction Stings and You.....

    By reading your other post, it sounds like you may have been in a construction zone, may have been stopped for speeding or some other traffic violation. First let me point out that I will never gripe about reduced speeds in construction zones because they are necessary to ensure the safety of...
  6. Fish Weed

    Keeping closet warm

    This is one if the great things about this forum and the process of growing - Thinking Outside The Box - and adapting things to meet our needs
  7. Fish Weed

    Keeping closet warm

    For the electric blanket, are you wrapping it around a tent, putting it over the top, or putting/hanging it inside?
  8. Fish Weed

    Keeping closet warm

    I was just looking for something to add a little heat and came across those. I didn't want it just sitting on the bottom of my cabinet, so I bought a glass Pyrex meatloaf pan at Walmart for $3, turned that upside down and put the hot stone/hot rock on top of that. Seems to work pretty good.
  9. Fish Weed

    Keeping closet warm

    I am having the same problem with an armoire grow, I bought one of those Hot Stones they use for reptile tanks so the snake or lizard can keep warm and help digest food better. I run it during lights off and it raises my low temp 62-63 F up to a steady 68 F. Got it at Petco, for $18. Seems to...
  10. Fish Weed

    Reasonable Preparation for the Unthinkable

    Getting it expunged is a good option, my state require so many years from the conviction date. Make sure to read and understand anything they want you to sign. If you use duress, at least in my state, they could vacate the conviction (plea bargain), reinstate the charges and then push for a...
  11. Fish Weed

    Reasonable Preparation for the Unthinkable

    This happens all the time, plea bargains are common practice because the courts are way overloaded. The downside for any drug conviction is a loss of being qualified for any student loans and most states impose at least a 6 month drivers license suspension. The risk of turning it down is a...
  12. Fish Weed

    Reasonable Preparation for the Unthinkable

    Things you learn in law school. But my Criminal Procedure professor was a bit gangster, you could tell she had a wild side.
  13. Fish Weed

    Reasonable Preparation for the Unthinkable

    This is true if you want a completely sanitized site. If you had a scale with a legal grow, I was just trying to point out that you would have a defense to having it, arguing it was necessary like your nutes, scissors, drying jars. I don't disagree that you shouldn't have anything extra, I...
  14. Fish Weed

    Reasonable Preparation for the Unthinkable

    If your state goes by weight then you have a defense. The big thing will be the actual weight you have (under or over allowable by law). Keep the scale away from your grow, stored someplace else in your house, and only bring it out when you need it.
  15. Fish Weed

    Reasonable Preparation for the Unthinkable

    The other thing to limit, no large sums of cash in your house. This is a huge red flag and evidence to show you're dealing. Doesn't matter where you say it came from, it will be seized and held until the case is resolved. You may even lose that money depending on what state your in.
  16. Fish Weed

    Refusing vehicle search?

    You are spot on about not winning a legal battle on the side of the road. If you are polite or neutral to the officer they may mention it in their report (traffic ticket or arrest report if it goes that way for some reason) or they may not mention it at all, both of these are good for you...
  17. Fish Weed

    Refusing vehicle search?

    You also have a right to limit a search. You can give consent to search the interior of your car but tell them they can't search the trunk or any locked containers. You can also withdrawal consent at anytime after they have started a search, of course this right ends if they find something...
  18. Fish Weed

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    Hey Growbuddy, do you have a date of when your going to pop some seeds?
  19. Fish Weed

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    Thanks for the info, that hot rock helps to increase it a few degrees, which isn't bad for $18. I may have to move my cabinet to the other side of the room closer to the heater vent but then I have to run everything with an extension cord (old house so only one outlet in that room). It's not...
  20. Fish Weed

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    I think I'm going to have to run a few cfls to keep the heat up. My cabinet is in a spare room that's always been on the cold side. Temp is good with the lights on, but since it's colder at night now it was dropping to 62 F. I bought a heat rock, the kind they use for reptiles, it runs at...