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  1. Fish Weed

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    I'm in almost the exact same boat here. Just about the same size cabinet and set up. Getting ready to switch over to a Full Spectrum LED, using Fox Farms soil and nutes. From what I have read online and the forum, everything GrowinDad said is spot on. I'm running CFLs right now so the only...
  2. Fish Weed

    1st LED-Any Tips, Tricks, Cheat Codes?

    Well I was looking for helpful info, not troll music. Got some great info from another forum, way more optimistic than here, from some people actually using this unit. So just consider this thread dead, the adults are talking elsewhere.
  3. Fish Weed

    1st LED-Any Tips, Tricks, Cheat Codes?

    I'm out
  4. Fish Weed

    Need help with LED

    I'll take a look at it on their website for the stats on it. How many hours do you have on it?
  5. Fish Weed

    Need help with LED

    I was looking at the Area 51 lights and the G8LED 250w. Both of them are in a good price range and seem to fit the area that I have. Does anyone have either of these that could give a review of them?
  6. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    RIP little Vanilla Kush. I think the heat spike fried her, she's is dried out to the point of crunchy. No response to the adjusted lower temps and a little bit of water.
  7. Fish Weed

    Need help with LED

    Was looking for something that I can use for both Veg and Flower. I'm not on a budget but don't want to spend too much for a light for a small space. I don't want to go with some of the Chinese lights because of all the bad reviews about quality. Just looking for a good light or 2 that will...
  8. Fish Weed

    Need help with LED

    Growing in an armoire, 3 1/2' wide, 2 1/2' deep and about 6' of grow room. Growing with cfls right now and the heat is killing me. Want to switch to an LED. What is a good unit for this space? I'm growing 2 plants that are only a few weeks old. I'm also thinking of buying a 4' x 4' x 7'...
  9. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    New problem popped up last night. Temp was running at 83F, when I checked an hour later the temp shot up to 90. I turned off half of my cfls and shifted everything under the 6 that were still on. But this VK was wilted and tipped over. Heat stress? I added a very small amount of water to...
  10. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    I'll give this a try. The 2 new seeds I germinated are in solo cups. This Vanilla Kush is in a small pot which I'm not to happy with. Checked her this morning and she seems to have perked up a bunch. Not going to think about watering until tomorrow night if she still looks good tomorrow...
  11. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    This one is in a pretty small jiffy pot. How do you transplant seedlings without moving all the same soil with it? The LW doesn't stay together even when wet, I had thought about a transplant but was worried all the soil would fall apart and kill the seedling.
  12. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    Ok, thanks for the help. I lost one other plant that didn't take when I put it in soil after germing. So I tried popping another one that didn't germ, so then tried 2 freebies and they both popped. Was only going to do 2 plants but should have just enough room for 3. Thanks again for the...
  13. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    Well F me quick. I'm sure that's not going to be the first rookie mistake I'll make. I'll cut way back on the watering. Thanks Haystax. What about the quick temp drop? It drops like 10 degrees within an hour of the lights going off. Any ill effects or stunting from that?
  14. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    I watered her a day after she sprouted until there was run off, them every 2-3 days. I tried to hold off on the watering but the LW seems to dry out really fast. Do you think it could be overwatering? I planted the other 2 in different soil (a mix of LW and OF).
  15. Fish Weed

    First Grow-She's Not Looking Well

    First time grower, armoire grow, 1 Vanilla Kush, with a Critital Kush and Super Silver Haze just sprouting. The VK is not looking well. She is 10 days from sprouting, Fox Farms Light Warrior Soil with a very thin layer of 1 part FF LW mixed with 2 parts FF OF on top to help keep the moisture...
  16. Fish Weed

    Using Different Soil For Germination vs. Veg/Flower

    The Vanilla Kush is 2 days from breaking the soil. I think I lost the Red Cherry Berry (the seed was pale and germed weak so no surprise), started a Critical Kush yesterday as a replacement.
  17. Fish Weed

    Using Different Soil For Germination vs. Veg/Flower

    I'm doing the 1 part light warrior to 2 parts ocean forest for the rest of my grow. The jiffy pots I found are small so I don't think they will be in them for more than 3 weeks. I'm growing in an armoir so was only going to veg them for 4-6 weeks before the switch. I only have about 5 feet of...
  18. Fish Weed

    Using Different Soil For Germination vs. Veg/Flower

    How many people use different soil for germination and seedling than they use for veg and flower? First grow here, only a five days from putting seeds into soil. I'm using Fox Farm Light Warrior in jiffy pots to start. When I transplant into the larger pots using 1 part Light Warrior mixed...