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  1. D

    Better Pic's, i hope-- how much longer

    thanks, yea i think your right. I'm trying to see how long to go before i can harvest
  2. D

    Better Pic's, i hope-- how much longer

    I'm trying to get better pic's to help you all out, i hope these are better. I used a 30x in front of the camera, so hopefully you can see better. Thanks for the help.
  3. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    boy the things are fallen over,lol maybe these pic's you can see a little better. i tried.
  4. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    hyroot bro, that was a sick post, best one iv'e read so far. right on man. man, thanks all of you for sharing your knowledge. i can't wait to get some good medicine in me so i can sleep pain free.
  5. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    thanks man. i wish i could get a definite answer about what i'm looking for. alot of people say that you can use a 30x to see just fine. i just need to know, learn more about what a trich is and what it looks like.i have seen pics but there like 500x magnification and shit. doe's any one know...
  6. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    hell, i thought ak's but now i'm not sure anymore. next time i will be more precise and know what i'm growing and be more precise with the time i do things. thanks for the comp man. next grow i'll have White Widow, Himalayan Gold, Super Silver Haze, got about 20 seeds each.
  7. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    Thanks you all, i'll try to be patient, lol
  8. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    I'll try to take better pics latter, with some better light
  9. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    wow bro. do you think I should continue the nutes. i'm lookin at them in a microscope man and i'm tellin yea i see trichs all over and a third of them are milky.
  10. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    nice read bro, thanks. any one else have a comment. A month Brewer, comon man, i'm in like week 9 of 12/12 light bro. This may be my first successful grow, and i know i have a lot of improvements to make, but i'm not stupid. I really need to know how to use a camera though, lol so i can get good...
  11. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    how long do you think, cause i'm lookin through that cheap miro scope from radio shack, and it looks like a third of the Trachoma's are cloudy.
  12. D

    When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S

    another week and i'm ready to harvest, so why don't I smell bud. Will it start to smell like bud a few weeks in the jar or what.Update pics on page 3
  13. D

    ARE THEY READY ? (Close Up Pictures)

    thanks every one. I will try and be patient and go longer. thanks for the help and i'll try and get some better pic's. i'm pretty sure there ak -47. as i said earlier they have been in flower sense 23rd of may.
  14. D

    ARE THEY READY ? (Close Up Pictures)

    thanks man, i'll try. i'll try and post some better pic's once i figure out how to work my camera, lol
  15. D

    ARE THEY READY ? (Close Up Pictures)

    man, i put those on 12/12 like back on may 23rd. 8 weeks of 12/12 on the 11th of this month. so i should go longer then 8 weeks. i'll try to get some better pictures for you all. again thanks alot
  16. D

    ARE THEY READY ? (Close Up Pictures)

    i think ak but not sure. thanks for your help. im not sure what im looking for. i bought one of those cheap mag from radio chack, but its hard to see.
  17. D

    ARE THEY READY ? (Close Up Pictures)

    Not sure if you can see anything, but do they look ready yet or should I wait a week or two. Thanks for lookin. how do you all take them close up shots. I thought i had a good camera
  18. D

    Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow

    well if it's any consultation, i'm at 35 days and i hardly have any smell eather. This is only my second grow and i really don't know what to expect sense my first was a bust. just give it some time i'm sure things will work out. I know how it feels only havin a couple more weeks to go. I'm...
  19. D

    Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow

    There lookin real good maz. I wish you had a bigger space, cause I think if them girls were in bigger pots they would really kick ass. I bet your gettin excited.
  20. D

    Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow

    man I don't see anything like that. I've seen pic's before like that Maz and I know what I'm suppose to be seeing and I'm not, lol. I'll just keep trying. I did order me up one of those 60x jewelers loupe though, lol. Me and microscopes have never gottin along. Thanks nature for the suggestion...